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  "Get me the detectives for this case right now!" A lady, who appears to be in her early 30's calls the police station, after a while, Luka and Kagami hear the news and rush over to where the call informed..

"I want to hear it." I say, Kagami was right behind me, we both only listened to the voice call besides anything else.

"Yes sir." The lady pulls up the recording of the call and puts it on loud speaker...

'Hello, what seems to be the pro—'

"Hello?? Yes! I've been kidnapped! By Chat Noir! PLEASE HELP ME! Help me! My name is—"

The ending frightened me, I banged my fist on the counter making everyone jump including myself.. "we could have gotten the name!! The name!!" I yelled.

Kagami pulls me to the side of the room, she puts both of her hands on my shoulders. "Breathe in.. breathe out.. relax Luka, it's probably Marinette!" Kagami says. I then shake my head.

"I know it's Marinette, I'm not stupid, it's her.. but.. something must have happened for her to end the call like that.. Chat Noir could have done something to her already.." I spoke in a low voice, I was tired, hungry, and exhausted.

Kagami stares at me. She then arches her eyebrows and walks over towards the lady, everyone was now surrounding her desk. "Get the address up right now, everyone get armed and ready..."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Kagami.. what are you–"

"Shhh..." Kagami places her fingers on my lips. "It's time to catch the cat."

I wake up in throbbing pain on the side of my head.. Blinking my eyes several times I realized I didn't know where I was at...
"Of course you can stay here.. Chat.. but make sure to pay me later, okay?" I hear a unfamiliar voice speak, I sat up and looked at the two figures.

"She's awake."

Chat Noir turns to me, he kneels right in front of me. "We moved out of that warehouse, so we're at my friends apartment. Thought I'd tell you." Chat Noir doesn't have chains on me this time, instead, I'm handcuffed to a table..

"She's so cute... what do you call her?" The girl with brown long hair and bangs asks. Chat Noir smiles.

"Her name is Marinette.. and she's not cute, she's adorable, beautiful and everything above cute."  Chat Noir rubs my hair gently, I look away, not wanting to talk to anyone..

"I'm kind of jealous Chat, you never say those things about me." The girl pouts.

"Lila, I'm in love with this girl." Chat Noir says, like it's some type of meaningless thing.
The girl named Lila grunts, she whispers into Chat's ears.. then she walks back to a room, her face said 'let's have sex' as she bit her lip and looked at Chat's crotch.

Chat's eyes went wide, he looked back at Lila and then opens the door to where Lila went it. I rolled my eyes.
Jeez. Chat probably does this with every fucking girl.

Anyways, I was trying to look for a easy way out, maybe try and find a phone nearby. I mean, Lila seemed kind of stupid to leave stuff behind.. I looked and looked, nothing..
"Come on Marinette... at least find a pointy thing to unhook these chains off of you." I whispered to myself.
If I were Luka... where would I look?.. Luka usually puts his head to the ground when he wants to find a loose earring of his...

That's it!!

I gently placed my head to the ground, and searched with my eyes. Nothing. I tried to feel every corner of where I was sitting, nothing..
Now, I was frustrated, it can't be that hard to FIND A POINTY THING!!!

suddenly, I stopped. My fingers traveled up to my ears. I almost started crying. I quickly took off one of my earrings and started to mingle on the lock.
I could hear clicking noises but it wouldn't seem to budge out. Before I could try more options, the door creaks open slowly. I rapidly place my earrings back on and pretend to be looking out the window that was near me.

The window that was near me...

I could escape. Get out. Be free. With just this window.

Chat Noir closes the door and walks back to the kitchen without even looking at me. "Now that you have Lila, mind setting me the fuck free?" I say sarcastically. Chat Noir has two bottles of water in his hands.
He then slowly walks over to me.
"I didn't do anything to her." He says.


"You still don't get it Marinette... I love you, only you, no one else, so you better get used to this." He says and hands me a water bottle. I stare at him, blankly.

I shake my head. "Then stop liking me... I already have someone I love.." I put my head into my arms, I really did say it...

I love Luka.

The thought of it makes me smile, a happy smile.. He's going to rescue me.. and.. and I'll tell him I love him.
Chat Noir flares his eyes at me, his knuckles clench.

He throws his water bottle to the other side of the room, exploding it in the process of landing. Chat Noir's strength seemed to have gotten stronger as he clinks my handcuff off and picks me up. "H-hey! Let go of me!" I strangle, he ignores me and opens the door where Lila was at.

She looks up at us. "Get out." Chat Noir says.

"Chat what are you do–" Lila was interrupted by a loud yell again..

"GET OUT!!!" Chat yells. His scream sends a chill down my spine, I never heard his voice shriek...
Lila abruptly gets off the bed and runs out the door, glancing at me at the doorway. The door makes a loud BANG as Lila leaves the room. Chat makes his way to the bed and pushes me on it.
I struggle to get him off me of me, I had all my strength of pushing him off, he wouldn't even move.
Am I really that weak? I gulp.

Chat Noir leans his face down and kisses my ear, his tongue travels its way towards my collarbone and then up to my lips. Without a warning, he kisses me deeply, his kiss sent my eyes wide, Chat Noir holds my hand in his as he starts to dry hump me slowly.
"S-stop.." I moan.

Chat smiles at me, he kisses me more and slips a hand down my panties. I couldn't hold back my moans, they came screaming out, as tears start to fall down my cheeks again.
Chat Noir puts his other hand on my lips, covering it.

"I'm gonna do you so hard, you wouldn't even need to think about another man afterwards." He says seductively..

Almost like a maniac..


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