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  My ears ringed loudly, the sound burned my ears to the point where you could hallucinate..
my eyes dragged themselves to open, fluttering my eyes in the process..

W-where was I? My eyes searched around and couldn't remember anything except seeing green huge eyes from somewhere.. I tried to move but noticed that I was being held by something.. I looked down and saw that it was chains, cold rusty chains that were connected to my legs and arms making me captivated.

Now I know what was going on... My breathing started to heavily increase, my cheeks were sweating cold and I felt like I was about to puke from all of this action that was going on inside my head.
"HELLO!? ANYONE!" I screamed, my voice almost cracking.. I then felt something running down my forehead from my head.. water?.. no.. I rubbed my shoulder on my head and glanced over at it... it was red oozing blood.. That's when I struggled my way to get up, to do anything really, I was panicking! And I didn't know what to do at this point..

"Shut the fuck up." I heard a male voice yell, I gasped, who even was that? Everything was pitched black you couldn't make out a single shadow or motion.

"P-please! Save me!" I yelled tears now crawling down my cheeks hoping it was someone who could let me out of these rusty chains. The noise of footsteps came closer towards me, and that's when I saw them...

The green eyes.. It can't be..

"Chat.. Noir?" I said in a low icky voice. He stood in front of me.. he had on a ripped up black mask on, and wore a black hoodie, he had skinny dark blue ripped jeans on also. And what made it even scarier, was that he wore black leather gloves. Almost as if he was getting ready to take someone's body parts apart...
Chat noir was definitely scary to look at, not to mention his smile, evil smile that shows his white teeth sharp. Almost like a cat.

"Hello, Princess." He said with a smirk while reaching his hand to hold my chin by his fingers. I moved my head to the side and let go of his light grip.

"Don't touch me! You fucking psycho!!" I yelled at his face, I couldn't even hear myself talk.. that's how worst my hearing sounded.
That's when Chat Noir pulled his arm up in the air, I flinched my eyes and was sure that he was going to hit me.. but instead, he pulled my head back to face towards him. Chat Noir tilted my head up revealing my neck bare naked.

"Now don't talk back to your master like that, princess.." He said with another wide evil smirk. He let go of me and circled around while my weak body, my eyes dared to follow his every move.

"What do you want from me? To Kill me? To Torture me? Why am I here.." I muttered through my clenched teeth.
Chat shrugged.

"Hmm.. I will probably let you figure that out yourself princess. And it's pretty fucking obvious that you were kidnapped."

"Wow, and to why did you kidnap me? Out of all females in this town? Why did you even escape? Huh? My friend Alya will definitely call the cops on you! You will dread going back to jail!" I rolled my eyes with frustration.

"Will I dread?.. whatever, princess, it's not like anyone would care if your gone. I don't know. Maybe besides your paren—"

"DONT YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING THEM!" I flinched my body and stared back at Chat Noir who seemed to be enjoying this moment.

"Your so cute, you know that, Marinette." He pounced closed to me while resting his arms on my thighs. My eyes widened at the sound of my name.

"How do you know my name!?" I raised my voice, and shoved Chat Noir off of me. He got up swiftly and started to pace around me.

"Princess, I know everything about you." He smirked walking back into the dark where I couldn't see him. The only source of light was the stars in the sky shining from the rooftop window.

"W-where are you going?? Your just going to leave me here!? I-in the dark?!" I yelled struggling to get out, but it was no use, these chains were tight as cement on me.
   Then, the thought Plagg rushes into head, did he take him too? D-did he KILL him!? All these hideous thoughts were running through my head. How did I get here anyways? Someone should have seen me get kidnapped! I looked around hoping to find a exit but it turns there was none. Of course.

Then.. the thought of Luka shimmers into my mind, he was a detective, Luka was a lot older then me but we had a good connection and friendship. I started to scream out his name as loud as my vocal cords could reach.
"LUKA!! LUKA!!!"

Another footstep came at me, it was the criminal.
"Why did you call out that name?" He asked, I looked away from his green eyes.

"Like you even care! He's.. Someone special to me." I said, Chat Noir stood in front of me.

"Don't ever say that name again, you here? Your not allowed to say any other mans name ever again you here me? Or else..."

"Or else what." I spit.

"You will regret every sin, every word that has spoken from you." Chat noir curves his hand to make a perfect fit for my neck. I didn't dare to move, nor gulp.
"This.. CRACK! Crack! Crack!" He made cracking noises and turned his neck to the right  and stuck his tongue out to look like he snapped it.
"That will happen."

I didn't say anything after that..
"I guess that shut you up huh?" Chat Noir turns around and walks away leaving me in this dark cold room.
And with these rusty chains on my feet and hands, I wanted to cry.

And so I did.
I cried the whole night, not even getting a bit of sleep knowing...

No one was ever going to find me.


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