Star Sapphire ran towards Jasper at lightning speed, punching her in the face with their water fist. Jasper was sent flying back. As Jasper landed, she backflipped and recovered, running at Star Sapphire with her fist raised back. Jasper punched forward, Star Sapphire leaning to the side to avoid the oncoming attack. Jasper tried to punch them again, Star Sapphire ducking and giving a hard jab to the warrior's stomach, sending her back a ways.

Jasper's excitement only grew as the fight carried on. Jasper knew that the fusion before her, at full strength, could take her out with one swat from the body of water next to them but was too worn out to do so. Despite their weakness, Star Sapphire still managed to fight. Jasper had found that she had truly underestimated Rose and she had figured out much earlier how badly she underestimated Lapis. Jasper loved the thrill and she loved to fight, plus to top it all off she was about to take down both of her greatest enemies.

Jasper rolled up into a ball and came crashing towards them as an orange aura surrounded the warrior gem.

Star Sapphire summoned a stream of water from their naval, the liquid quickly floating between them and Jasper, morphing into a blue version of Steven's shield. Jasper gave it her all as she tried to break the shield. Star Sapphire put one of their real hands up to their mouth and gave a yawn, looking at their nails before taking a bored glance at Jasper. One of the fusion's water arms came beside the attacker and gave Jasper a flick, sending her flying next to the beach shore.

Jasper recovered and curled into a ball at once, flying at the fusion.

Star Sapphire smirked. "Wrong move." They sang. Star Sapphire caught the curled Jasper with their water limbs, lifting the orange gem in the air and throwing her away.

Jasper jumped to her feet, unable to fight the sense of euphoria flowing through her.

Star Sapphire pounced at their foe, Jasper ducking as the fusion tried to attack with their water arm. Jasper tried to strike back, Star Sapphire jumping over the punch before karate chopping Jasper on the head.

Jasper backed up a bit, aiming her crash helmet at them before flying forward.

Star Sapphire put their shield in front of them, a metallic clang sounding as the shield and helmet clashed. Jasper jumped over the water weapon, putting her hands together and pounding Star Sapphire to the ground. Jasper stood over the, readying herself to headbutt the fusion. Star Sapphire, thinking fast, kicked Jasper in the stomach before using their water arms to push themself off the ground.

Star Sapphire gave their foe a playful smile. "Come on, I was always told that quartzes were supposed to be strong."

"Oh, you want strong?" Jasper asked, her smile never leaving. "I'll give you strong!" Jasper curled herself into a ball, rolling towards them.

Star Sapphire morphed her water arms into blades and aimed them at Jasper, firing many small, sharp projectiles at her. Jasper, much to the fusion's surprise, twisted and turned to avoid every single one of the water bullets.

"Hm, mildly impressive." Star Sapphire said, stretching one of their water blades toward Jasper.

Jasper changed directions, beginning to circle Star Sapphire as she had with Steven and Lapis.

Ugh, this again. Lapis thought.

Star Sapphire used their control over water to pull their shield towards Jasper at high speeds, knocking the orange gem into the air. Before Jasper was allowed to hit the ground, the shield came back and hit her even farther into the air. Star Sapphire pulled both of their water blades back, cutting forward at the target. Jasper uncurled and surrounded herself in a fiery aura, shooting herself at the ground to avoid the attack. Jasper hit the ground, a cloud of sand blowing up.

There was a small moment of calm as the sand began to settle. Just as Star Sapphire began to wonder if they had actually claimed victory, Jasper burst from the cloud of sand and came rolling at Star Sapphire, still surrounded by her aura.

Star Sapphire didn't flinch, simply morphing one of her water blades into an arm, a blue shield emerging from the limb. Star Sapphire watched with a bored expression as Jasper hit the weapon, the fusion aiming their blade at the warrior. Before Star Sapphire could strike, Jasper uncurled and jumped over the barrier, putting her hands together and attempting to hit them. Star Sapphire quickly put their arms in front of them, a new water shield taking the attack. Jasper curled into her spin-dash and tried to break through water shield, only for Star Sapphire's liquid arm to uppercut Jasper high in the air.

Jasper uncurled and roared at Star Sapphire, the former's initial excitement waning while her violent programming began to kick in. She surrounded herself in her fiery aura, shooting at them at such a speed that she created a sonic boom.

Star Sapphire increased the size of their shield. Jasper hit the shield, the water weapon shattering in an instant. Jasper hit Star Sapphire across the beach, the latter using their water arms to regain their balance and come safely back to the ground.

Jasper gave out a battle cry as she curled up into a ball and allowed her aura to grow even greater, its heat slowly turning the sand around her to glass. She shot forward at Star Sapphire, ready to end the battle.

Steven's shield reformed from the broken water, the loud scraping of metal sounding as Jasper pushed against the blue weapon. Jasper continued to push on, her aura growing more and more powerful. She eventually began to push back the shield, slowly forcing her way to the fusion waiting below. Eventually, Jasper broke through, the shield breaking into three shards as the orange gem flew forward towards Star Sapphire.

The fusion held their actual arms in front of them, using them to catch the attack and forcing the spin dash to a halt. Star Sapphire grinned. "Big mistake you big buff Cheeto puff." Star Sapphire reared their two water fists back, shields forming in front of them. In one fluid movement, the two water fists uppercut Jasper, sending her high into the air.

Jasper curled into her spin-dash attack again, preparing to give a last ditch effort at eliminating her foe.

Wait a minute… Jasper's programming began to lose its effect and she realized something. She had little to no hope of defeating the two gems together. As much as she hated to admit it, they were too strong. She needed to retreat and prepare or this battle would end with her gem lying on the ground. So instead of trying to use the attack as a final attempt to beat them, she decided to save the fight for another day and used her attack for an entirely new purpose. Jasper, using as much energy as she could, shot herself away from the beach and over Beach City.

Star Sapphire growled in frustration at the sight. Quickly, they sprouted two large water wings to follow their foe. As the fusion prepared to fly off, they looked down to find a white light coming from their chest. Steven and Lapis' initial exhaustion took over, the light growing brighter and while the duo was forced to split apart. When Steven and Lapis separated, they fell on the beach limply. As they lied there, they laughed softly between tired pants, overcome with joy. There was only one thing that was said between the two.

"Cheeto puff?" Lapis managed with a cocked eyebrow before she poofed into her gem and Steven fell unconscious.

The two left Connie sitting on the beach, staring at the spot where Star Sapphire once stood. She turned to see that Lion, having finally regained consciousness, decided to sit next to the girl. "Well…that happened." Was all Connie managed before falling onto her back, looking at the sky as the clouds began to clear. "Someday this kid's gonna give me a heart attack."

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