"Ugh, take me away. Let's go, somewhere--anywhere," I said, groaning.

His eyes darted to the clock, "I am supposed to be meeting Jenna. She is going to give me a tour for my 'book'."

"Well then let's go," I said as I sipped my glass of blood and whipped cream. "Let's learn everything about Mystic Falls, even though we know everything about it already."

Elijah chuckled and nodded his head, "Let's do it. I am going to go to my motel and get ready. I'll come back after."

"Okay. I'll be ready by then," I said with a nod.

He leaves the kitchen after finishing his drink. I finish mine and rinse out all of the glasses used this morning.

Afterwards, I went upstairs and got ready. I threw on a white tank top and black skinny jeans with little tears. Then, I put on my makeup which was darker and more elegant than usual. For shoes, I chucked on some black ankle boots that had a heel. I left my hair in its natural state but brushed out the knots.

When I was ready, I felt a strange pull towards a section of my room. Finally, I turned towards that part of my room. Instantly, my eyes darted towards my jewelry box that was on my dresser. I slowly walked over to the dark brown, wooden box. Hesitantly, I opened the cold box. Inside was gorgeous jewelry I had collected over the years but one stood out above the rest.

It was a beautiful necklace from the seventeen hundreds. The golden chain was simple and was fit into one size. The charm would land in the center of my chest. The charm itself was one of the most special things to me. It was a golden locket with floral decorations. Blue flowers were painted onto the locket and was glazed over. On the edges were elegant, symmetrical swirls that were the color of gold.

As if under a spell, I carefully lifted the necklace and placed it onto my hand. Slowly, I opened the locket.

Inside the locket was a painting of a beautiful couple. The handsome man was in expensive breeches, a waistcoat, and a coat. The woman wore a gorgeous red and gold dress made in silk. Unlike most paintings, the couple was showing affection. The woman's arms were wrapped around his neck and the man held her close by her corseted waist. They were smiling as their lips pressed together. The couple in the painting was Kol and I. It was the last gift Kol had given to me before he was daggered.

I stared longingly at the painting. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door which startled me.I quickly shut the locket, still managing to be gentle. Within a flash, I turned to the door. There stood Basil with a soft smile.

Clenching the locket in my fist, I asked, "Have you finished packing?"

"I have," Basil replied as he nodded his head.

I nodded and stared at the floor, biting my lip.

He stepped towards me with open arms, "I am not leaving for forever, Alexandria. I will come back."

"I know, but we have not been apart for a long time. We have always been together through thick and thin," I sighed as I walked towards him.

"Which is why we are going to get past this," Basil said, smiling at me as we reached one another.

I fell into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. Laying my head onto his shoulder, I shut my eyes.

"I know but I am also scared for the outcome of all of this. I think you love Rebekah, just as I still love Kol but I may be wrong. I fear that if you do not feel anything for Rebekah and she comes back, she will leave; just as you left in New Orleans," I said, opening my eyes at the end.

"What makes you think that she will leave?" Basil asks quietly into my hair.

I sighed and pulled away, "I know Rebekah; she is my best best best friend. She may not admit it herself, but when she falls in love, she will never stop loving that person. A part of her will always love you. I am afraid that her feelings for you will spark and yours will not."

"Don't worry about it. I know a part of me will always care for Rebekah. Now, I must find out if a part of me will always love Rebekah," Basil said softly.

I nodded my head then chuckled softly, "I hope you do love Rebekah. I really love you two together."

He chuckled with me, "As do I."

That gave me hope.

"Come on. I'm all packed, "Basil said, backing away towards the door.

"Wait!" I half-shouted before regaining composure. "Could you?" I opened my fist and held out the necklace.

Basil nodded with a smile, "Of course.

He grabbed the necklace with care. I turned around and put all my hair to the side. Looking into the mirror, I saw Basil observe the locket.

He looked up and asked, "Didn't Kol give you this?"

I nodded my head with a small smile, "Yes. It was the last gift he gave me."

He smiled and stepped forward so that he could put the necklace on me. With a click, Basil stood back. I fixed my hair before turning back to him. He smiled at me which I returned. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. Silently, we left my bedroom and went downstairs. Near the door was Basil's two packed suitcases.

The look on my face made Basil shrug, "I don't know how long I may be gone."

"It better not be too long," I said with a sigh and shook my head.

"Don't worry, Alexandria," Basil said, pulling me into a hug for what felt for the thousandth time.

I hugged him back and mumbled, "It's hard not to."

"I know but do not worry. I will call you every two days or so," Basil said and we pulled away from one another.

"You better or else I will drop whatever I am doing and make a Beeline to wherever you are-- Wait, where are you going?" I said, cutting myself off.

Basil paused in thought for a moment before responding, "I am thinking of going to New York or Annapolis in Maryland."

I nodded my head, "Okay. Not too far."

"Well obviously. I wouldn't go to Australia!" Basil said, rolling his eyes at me.

I hit his shoulder and glared at him, "Shut up and leave already."

"Fine. Being dramatic as usual," Basil said, muttering the last part as he opened the door.

I gaped at him, "Wow, okay."

He grinned at me before hugging me once more.

"Goodbye, Brother," I said as we hugged.

"Bye, Alexandria," Basil said as we pulled away.

He smiled again before turning towards the open door. Outside was Elijah who was coming onto the porch. Basil and Elijah stared at one another for a moment before Basil took Elijah into a brotherly hug. They said their goodbyes and Basil left the porch. He walked down the pathway and as he reached the sidewalk, he turned and smiled at me. I smiled back before he turned away. He got into his car and drove away.

"Are you ready?" Elijah asked suddenly after seconds of silence.

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Just let me get my purse."

He nodded and I went inside, grabbing my black purse. I came back out and shut the door.

"Let's go!" I said, smiling at Elijah.

He smiled back and we got into his nice car.

His Darling, Her Love//Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now