Sometimes she hated being pregnant; the morning sickness, mood swings, unusual cravings and her off the chart sexual urges. Yes, she lay awake at this forsaken hour because she was horny as hell and it frustrated her to no end.

Lauren had been rather eager to accommodate her excessive need for sex lately, but it still wasn't enough. It was like everything Camila wanted to do was to have sex. If they could do it all the time, she would have preferred it. And even then, she wouldn't mind having more sex.

She groaned inwardly, cursing herself for being so needy and clingy and...horny. There was no other way she could get over it. She had been trying to sleep it off, but obviously it wasn't working so it was understandable if she was to wake her wife again, right? Ah, I don't care.

She glanced over to her left, eyeing her wife's back with a deadly stare, her eyes narrowing, as if she was a predator watching her prey in the wilderness, assessing her next course of action. She lowered her body as she moved forward, her hand reaching out to rest on Lauren's bare hip under the sheet. She started to pepper Lauren's shoulder with light kisses as her hand tracing an invisible line on Lauren's thigh. It took a while but then she felt her wife's body slightly jerking up.

She continued on her mission, adamant on having her needs fulfilled. God, I feel like a teenage boy all over again, she thought as she remembered back on their college days when she was unquestionably the one who initiated getting intimate more than Lauren ever did. Surprising, isn't it?

Lauren was having a very thick sleep; she was exhausted from work and all those extra 'exercise' Camila made her do. But something pulled her back into consciousness; her skin tingled with an indescribable feeling, it was something pleasant but at the same time annoyance grew in her.

"Ugh, Camz... What are you doing?" She asked, her voice thick with sleep. She knew exactly what her wife was trying to accomplish and for a second she wished she was a succubus like that Bo in Lost Girl, a show she was fascinated by years ago. Maybe then she would be able to maintain her daily life routine that somehow had transformed into a sex fest, thanks to her hormonal pregnant wife.

Camila didn't respond. Am I not being clear enough? Camila thought as she inched her hand upwards, feeling the taut muscles of her wife's stomach. She continued showering Lauren's shoulder with open-mouthed kisses, leaving defined trails of her intend. She latched her lips on Lauren's neck as she sensed her wife growing restless under her ministration. She knew she would win the battle, she almost felt bad for Lauren's devotion toward her.

She always got what she wanted because Lauren had never been able to deny her anything. Feeling that Lauren's reaction was not progressing fast enough, she started to caress her wife's breast as she propped herself on her elbow, slightly hovering over Lauren's side and then the beautiful sound of her wife's soft moan filling the room.

Lauren couldn't escape the biological reaction of her body to the treatment she was getting from her wife; her mind might say one thing, her soon to be heated core however... She turned her body around, catching a slight smirk on Camila's face. Oh how she loved that sexy smirk. But she wouldn't relent that easily, she wanted Camila to beg.

"Camz, it's..." she glanced over to the nightstand, wondering about the time, "...almost 4 am! I have a meeting in the morning..." She huffed irritably, pretending to be annoyed.

"So?" Camila mumbled challengingly, her lips were still eager on giving loving kisses to Lauren's neck.

Lauren reluctantly reached up and held Camila's chin, tilting her head up. "So... I need to sleep if I want to be on top of my game. I'm meeting a new client. I think it's gonna be a big break for me. Seriously Camz, you know I love you but I'm exhausted..." Lauren admitted tiredly.

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