"It's great to know about my family..i never thought, i would ever have one."

He smiled and nodded. I left and headed straight to my room exchanging some greeting with the people from my family who passed by.

I spent the morning and later the afternoon alone in my room. I wondered where was Bryan and Almus. No one tried to disturb me and i was glad that they didn't. I wanted some me time to process the facts and remember the face of my Uncle Joe, which looked familiar.

A knock on my door took me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." i mumbled and the door busted open making me startled. There standed my best friend Arina glaring at me with her hands on her hips which was a sign that she actually is mad, no..not mad but furious. I grinned at her.

"When the hell were you going to tell me about this?" she almost scolded me like i am a kid.

"Yeah..i missed you too." that's what i responded and she narrowed her eyes. Sighing frustrated she came and hugged me. I smiled. She can't stay annoyed at me more than few minutes.

"Are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"I can't be better than this. I am happy. " i told her genuinely.

I told her what all happened since i came here. The thing i loved about her was she never interupted just listened carefully. I even told her, about today's dream and about Grandpa showing me old pictures and that my dad had another brother who doesn't live with us. She said she had heard about him before but not much in details.

"But..there is something that i am not getting. You know, in my dream, when that man throwed me, i saw a house around which looked familiar, but i just can't spot it. And, now, Uncle Joe's face. Besides, that other man with my parents looked familiar too. I just don't know what's the connection, or is it related or not. But, i think something is fishy here. His face was too fimiliar..and oh..you know what?.. for the first time i saw the face of the killer of my parents.... But, how could i see? was i there at the first place? I have no idea, what's going on, i am so confused and i have so many questions. I feel like i am missing something in between." I popped on my bed trying to ease my growing headache.

"Elena...just calm down. We will find out soon. Just don't worry, i will talk to master about this, maybe he could help you."

"I don't know." i mumbled.

"Well, let's talk about something else. You know. Suzie called almost tenth time yesterday asking for you. I told her you are on vacation though. Even Shawn called to check on you. Since you had your phone switched off while travelling they opted to call me."

I nodded and thought it feels like i haven't seen my cafe for a long time. I missed it, the sweet aroma, my sweet pastries. Suddenly, something clicked in my mind. I got up and looked at Arina, as usual she looked confused about my sudden jolt.


"The Cafe."

"Ahh. It's working fine since you made enough products to last two to three days besides Shawn is there and suzie too..they will take care."

"It's not that..i am not worried about the cafe, something just clicked in my mind."

She shrugged her shoulders asking more.

"I have seen him visiting my cafe! He as in my uncle. Yes, Uncle Joe, i remember, he was not a regular customer but used to visit once in a month. I remember because, whenever he visited, he left a grand tip behind, and suzie would come giggling to tell me and show me who was he. He seemed fine and in his late forty's so i didn't mind."

"What do we know by this? Have you ever talked to him?" she asked curiously.

"I don't remember i have but once i come out and see him, he just saw me and then left.. I didn't pay attention as the cafe was crowded most of the time when he came."

"I think we must tell Master about this."

I agreed.


Hey my lovely readers!

I am so so sorry for the delay in updates. I was just so busy in my life, but i promise you i will keep updating and complete this book soon.

I will absolutely disappointed on myself if i keep you guys hanging in between.. so i promise promise promise i will complete it.

Till then wait for my next update. 😊

Till then Vote! Share! Commemt!

see you soon...

Urs Soniya. 😉

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