“That’s what I said the other night.  I love you so much, Reagan, I didn’t even know that someone could this much.  I have loved you forever,” he said quietly. 

“How am I supposed to believe that?”

“Reagan,” he said, laughing softly.  “You know that day before we left, when I kissed you in the hallway?”

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about that.  It wasn’t an accident, was it?”

“It kind of was, but I’d been waiting for the perfect time to kiss you,” he said, smiling.  “And ever since then, I’ve wanted to kiss you every minute of every day.”

He moved closer until his lips softly touched mine.  His heart was hammering in his chest just like mine had been at that moment.

Not so fast, Will, he told himself, and pulled back.

“Do you believe me now?”  And even if you don’t, I’m still going to kiss you again.

I watched myself nod, wrap my arms around his neck, and started kissing him again.

The scene dissolved into the one I wanted to see what had exactly happened.

Remy and Will were walking ahead, but I was standing there as the first wave of the horrible headache struck.  I could see the pain in my face.  I wanted to see it go away, but I knew that wouldn’t happen until I was lying on the ground, unconscious.

My face contorted in pain again, and then I was watching myself falling backward.  Will and Remy were suddenly over me.

“Reagan, can you hear me?” Remy said, tears falling down her face.

“What’s happening?” Will yelled as my face twisted in pain again.

“Oh, my God!  Reagan!” Remy yelled.

I must have been too out of it.  I could tell when the headache had stopped.  My face had smoothed back to normal.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I whispered, and then I saw myself start to close my eyes.

“Tell me what?” Will asked, tears falling from his eyes.

I said something else, but it was too soft for me to hear.  I wasn’t moving then, and my eyes were closed.  They sat there for a few minutes.  Remy was crying and Will just sat there looking at me in his arms.

“No!” Will yelled, shaking my limp body that was in his arms.  “No, you can’t do this, Reagan.  Reagan!”

Remy was sobbing.  She laid her hand on my face.

 “She’ll be okay,” she said through her tears.  “I know she will.”

“How do you even know?  We can’t talk to her and see what happened!  Not when she’s like this.”

Reagan, please wake up.  I’ll do anything.  Just open your eyes, he thought, willing it to happen.

But when I didn’t, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, tears falling from his eyes even more. 

The thing that Will had put on the back of my head fell onto the ground as Will pulled my limp body into his lap.  It was bright red with blood.  Remy pulled out another thing of gauze and pressed it to my head. 

“She’s going to be okay,” Remy said, wiping under her eyes with one hand while she pressed the gauze to my head with the other.

“How do you know?” Will said angrily.  He pulled a lock of hair away from my face.  It wasn’t blond, but red.

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