Your the only one who deserves to die

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Baileys POV

We've been driving for an hour now. Litterly the middle of no where. Its been all dirt roads. When we get outta this, my car needs a really good cleaning. "There it is." I look to wear Brad is pointing and speed up.

"Get ready everyone." I say into the ear peice. Brad squeezes my thigh and i shift gears again going top speed. Dirt flys around us in the night.

"Head lights off." I nod to Brad and everyone follows suit. I breath in and out. Steading my racing heart, it feels like itll jump out of my chest any time.

I start down shifting till I park. Were a good hundred feet away. I shut my car off and hop out. I check all my weapons and wait for everyone else.

"Listen guys, I dont do this emotional shit very well. So, we are all gonna go in alive, then were gonna come out alive." I lower my head because they dont know this part. "Im gonna be seting a bomb. As soon as all of you are out. You tell me. Ill blow it and aill be right behind you guys, understand." I look into the eyes of everyone. Kelly looks shocked but nods, Tom and Ben nod. Tyler just stares stright ahead.  We all nod and hug, not knowing whats gonna happen in the building.

We spilt up. Me taking the front, Tyler and Tom taking the roof, Brad and Kelly taking the back and Ben hacking into the cameras.

"And go" I whisper thro the mouth peice. I enter thro the door slowly. I look round and see only one person, they're back to me. I sneak up behind them and snap their neck. I continue up the levels, killing off anyone that gets in the way. Im sure by now they've been told of us as many garuds have been either stabbed or shot by us. Brad and Kelly search the basement and kill a bunch of gaurds.

"We found him!" I hear kelly whisper.

"Good, get him and get out. Now!"

"Roger that." I hear everyone repeat and know everyone is leaving the building.

I reach the last step and see only  big doors. I have a hand gun in one hand and a knife in the other. I kick the door in to see Brads mother standing there. Waiting. We have a stare down before she throws a knife at me. I dodge but not fast enough as it glides over my arm. I hiss and duck for cover behind a wall.

"You'll never get outta here in time!" I dont know what she means till i smell it. Smoke. Someone lit a fire.

"You crazy bitch!" I move and shoot her in the arm. She yells out in pain and I get outta my hiding. I drop the knife and pocket the gun. I punch her in the face then go to hit her in the gut but she blocks me and hits me in the cheek. My head turns with the force. I come back with a back hammer fist. I hit her jaw and loop my hands behind her head. I pull it down so it meets my knee. I hear a crack as her nose meets the knee cap. I cross punch her and watch as her body whips with the force of my punch causeing her to fall on the floor.

"Were out, hurry up. The by building is on fire." I hear Brad speak in my ear peice. I cough on the smoke and walk towards her.

"You killd my baby! She was a child!"

"That child was the child of my lover, it deserved to die!" I stomp on her buller wound and listen as she cries in pain.

"Your the only one who deserves to die!" I straddle her hips and punch with all my might.

As I stop I notice the room is getting hotter. The smoke thicker. I check her for a pulse and notice shes dead. Its over. I stand up and look around the room. The only way out is thro the door. I run thro as the flames lick the wood.  I cough and stuffle for my breath. I grab the bomb and set a timer for a minute. I run, jump and tumble down the stairs. As I reach the last set I notice that its been caved in. Its either jump or die. I back up a few steps and run with all my might. I roll woth the impact and notice i have 10 seconds. I run, run with everything in me.


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