Chapter 33: not guilty

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Levi woke up before Dylan and wormed his way quietly off the couch, intent on making breakfast. They had eaten all the cookies made last night, but cookies weren't a good meal; he was quite famished this morning.

He glanced at Dylan who was still sleeping on the couch, the sight bringing a smile to his face. He was so glad to have finally spoken with her, glad they had a couple hours with no distractions. They had needed the time.

He found eggs and butter and began breakfast, boiling water for Dylan's favorite tea. When it was nearly completed, he moved back to the couch. He touched her cheek lightly.


Dylan fluttered her eyes open.

"Buena manaña, bonita mia," he told her.

"Ja con eso, por favor," she grumbled. "Yo duermo."

"I have breakfast ready," he countered. "And mint tea."

Dylan sat up with a smile.

"I love mint tea," she said.

Levi helped her up to her feet, kissing her before he stopped himself. When Dylan froze, he took a step away.

"I'm sorry, Dylan. I should have asked," he said, hating that he had kissed her without thinking.

Dylan reached out and took his hand. Carefully, as if she was worried Levi would run off, Dylan pulled him toward her, and pressed her lips against his on her own volition. The flood of emotion was nearly overpowering, but Levi forced himself to take it slow, letting Dylan kiss him, and then slowly wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing them closer together. She pulled her fingers through his hair and they fell back onto the couch once more. Levi couldn't get enough of Dylan's lips, of her skin. She took his shirt off him and then sat up to remove her own before taking Levi's face in her hands, tasting his lips tenderly.

His fingers trailed down her stomach and then lifted her up, pressing their heartbeats together. Dylan's hands left his face, but he clasped her hands in his, breaking off the kiss.

"What's wrong?" she asked, a little breathlessly.

Levi kissed her deeply, but then pulled away once more.

"Nothing is wrong," he replied reluctantly. "But it hasn't always been that way. And I don't think this is a good idea right now."

"You don't?" Dylan challenged, pulling their bodies closer together.

Levi sat up half-heartedly, letting go of Dylan's hands. He wanted Dylan; of course he wanted her. He just couldn't bear the thought of taking advantage of their newfound intimacy. He would rather have Dylan get better and move back home. Dylan wrapped her arms around his bare chest, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Humor me?" he said. "We haven't spoken in weeks, and I think sleeping together right now is too soon. Please don't push this; because I don't know how many times I can say no." Levi gave her a weak smile. "You are too beautiful, and I have missed you too dearly."

She kissed his neck, but nothing more, sighing in disapproval.

"There's still breakfast?" he offered.

Dylan snorted. "That's a poor substitute."

"Then move back home," Levi suggested. "We can request a couple days off. I don't think the tragedy you've gone through can be healed in a day, and I don't think we can be the same as we were before. But together, we can work through this, ma belle. I want to do this together."

Dylan stroked his hands, twining their fingers together. Her bare stomach was warm against his back and Levi took a couple deep breaths as if that would help him gather his resolve.

There was a knock at the door that startled both of them.

"Who is it?" Dylan wondered, leaning forward to grab her fallen shirt. She threw Levi's shirt at him with a laugh, and he tugged it over his torso before grabbing one crutch to get himself to the door. He opened it for Dashiell who nodded at the pair. It was fortunate that Dashiell hadn't come a couple minutes earlier.

"I have come to offer my apologies," he said. "You were innocent and you were right; we wanted you to be guilty until proven innocent. We caught the killer last night through a series of unfortunate events, and I wanted to be the first to extend my apology."

"Who was it?" Dylan asked, smoothing her short hair.

"Your former captain, O'Keefe Charleston," Dashiell replied. "He had found a gun during the madness of Landing Day and used the earthstorm as cover. He and Lincoln fought over the gun last night and both of them were killed. It was tragic."

Dashiell didn't sound like he cared much about either person. Levi found he had a similar difficulty.

"I wanted to offer you a couple days off, if you need it," he continued. "Esperanza and Lully mentioned that you two could use it. And I think it is more than warranted after going through the arrests yesterday."

"Merci," Levi managed, glancing at Dylan. "We would appreciate it."

Dylan nodded as well to Levi's delight. Perhaps they wouldn't need to dip into their credits after all. They could go to the lake and stay for a couple days; that would be a good way to retreat from the events at the base. Of course, they'd have to wait until after the earthstorm.

"What happens now?" Dylan said. "I assume the...the guns have been found?"

"They have. Congress is debating how best to move forward; we are going to melt all the guns acquired and put better laws and securities in place. I have no doubt that we will improve together and then the base can forget this unfortunate incident even occurred."

Someone's holo-rib chimed. Levi glanced at his holo-rib on the table, but Dashiell pulled out his device from his pocket.

"Finally," he muttered before answering the call. "Libba? Have you been in personnel all night?"

"I was," she said, not sounding tired at all. "Are you free? Can you come down to personnel?"

Dashiell eyed Levi and Dylan, who both nodded. Levi didn't think there was anything further to discuss now.

"I can," Dashiell allowed. "What's going on?"

"It's about Earth," Libba said, her voice glowing. "We're close. Matisse made contact with the second buoy and...I thought you might want to send the first message to Earth." She laughed. "Good morning."

Dashiell, for the first time that Levi could think of, was speechless. He glanced at Levi and Dylan and then back to his holo-rib, wide smile spreading over his features

"Good morning indeed." 


Thus ends Book Four: Tomorrow and Tomorrow! Turn to the next chapter to see the first chapter of the next book!  

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