Chapter 32: mine

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(A few minutes earlier)

Harper had forgot how strong Lully was, especially when he acted so mild around Esperanza. Esperanza had hurried ahead to turn on lights and prep for Harper's arrival. He was trying to decide what part of him hurt the most. His leg shot pain up his spine with every step Lully took. His chest felt like someone was trying to rip him to pieces from the inside.

"What happened?" Lully inquired as he ran through the halls.

"Lincoln happened," Harper said, unable to explain any more.

He could feel his vision darken, but he shook his head, hoping to stay awake. He wished Cameron could be here, and was sorry that she wasn't. The pain ebbed and flowed, but mostly he felt regret and fear. He didn't want to leave Cameron alone, not after everything they'd been through.

"I don't want to die," he sighed.

"Don't be moonshy, you're not going to die," Lully told him. "We're going to get you to medical, and you're going to be fine. Alcott is going to take care of Cameron, and you're going to be pas mal tomorrow."

"I don't think anything is going to be pas mal tomorrow," Harper countered.

The medical bay was bright when they entered. Lully lifted Harper onto a bed and Esperanza cut his shirt away from the gunshot, shaking her head. Harper closed his eyes, wincing as she inspected his chest.

"I don't know what you have been up to, Harper," she noted. "But if Cameron doesn't, then you are in for the lecture of your life when you are done."

"I think I already had that," Harper grimaced. "Before they put me in cryo the first time."

"Different life, different time," Esperanza countered. "Lully, can you get me gauze? Madison is on her way and as soon as she gets here, we're going to find out what kind of blood we need."

"It's going to be mine, I know it," Lully grumbled.

"I'm here," Madison announced. "Harper, you look like hell."

"I feel like death," he countered, opening his eyes once more. "The doctor's here; can I pass out now?"

Madison scrubbed her hands and found some gloves before coming closer.

"Exit wound?"

"Through the back. Looks clean," Esperanza replied. "Possibly it nicked his clavicle; it feels broken."

Madison pressed on Harper shoulder and he hissed in pain. Spots starter appearing in his vision, he blinked several times, trying to get rid of them.

"Definitely," she remarked. "And his leg?"

"Not certain," Esperanza admitted. "I've been focused on his chest."

Madison prodded his leg and then cut through his pant leg, exposing the wound. He let out an undignified whimper when they moved his leg.

"We'll have to X-ray to find out if it's broken," Madison said. "But it missed his artery. All right, I'll print him a dose for the pain, if you'll get him hooked up to an IV."

She typed up a code on the holo-rib and left the room. Esperanza used a tourniquet on his good arm and found the vein in short order.

"I'm sorry we woke you up," Harper said as she hung up the IV bag.

"This is my job," Esperanza said. "The only one to apologize to is Lully, and he probably won't accept it."

"It's true," Lully admitted. "I've been shot. It's not fun, and it's nothing to apologize for. I'm glad we got you here in time."

"Me too," Harper whispered.

Esperanza and Madison worked over him in a flurry of action, punctuated by needles and stitches. The medication took a couple minutes to work, but when they did the pain slipped away leaving Harper with only his worry for Cameron. They hadn't heard from Alcott, and Esperanza wouldn't let him have his holo-rib. He did not want to survive being shot to live without Cameron.

As soon as he saw her, he was going to tell her. He had never said that he loved her, never said how excited he was for their child. He had never made her breakfast in bed or a thousand other things that he had always meant to do, but was scared that she didn't love him back.

Dashiell and Cameron entered the room, and Harper attempted to sit up though was pushed back down by Esperanza. Madison yawned once as she walked toward them.

"Harper is stable," she said. "He lost quite a lot of blood, but we gave him a transplant and stitched him up. We're still quite new to gunshot wounds, but I think he'll pull through. I had hoped that such injuries were past us."

"Soon," Dashiell agreed. "Can we talk to him?'

"He's been asking for Cameron incessantly, so please," she replied. "Just don't let him get up. He's not going anywhere."

Cameron nodded and hurried to Harper's side. He took her hands in his and kissed her fingers. She was so very pale and her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Hey babe," he croaked. "And our captain. Hello, captain!"

Dashiell smiled. "Hello Harper. You've had quite a night."

"Something like that," he agreed. "What do you need?"

Dashiell explained the events has Cameron had told him. Of course the details were all wrong and the truth had been bent so far it snapped on its own. There was nothing to be done about it; Dashiell and Cameron had clearly come to some sort of understanding. Harper nodded his assent and Dashiell smiled at him.

"Then we're all settled then. Cameron, Madison, I'm going to call a congress meeting this afternoon. Later this morning just seems cruel to all of us."

"Thank you," Madison agreed.

Dashiell yawned once and left the medical bay. Throughout all of this, Harper didn't let go of Cameron's hand. Even after Lully and Esperanza left, and Madison lay down in the room next door, Cameron sat by his side, their fingers interlaced.

"I'm so sorry," Cameron said finally. "I should have listened to you."

"You couldn't have known," Harper told her.

Cameron lost the battle with her tears, letting them fall on Harper's bed. She wept for several minutes, Harper was unable to comfort her rigged up as he was to IVs.

"Cameron," he said finally. "Hey. I'm going to be fine."

"I thought you died," she whispered. "I thought you died, and I was going to be alone as my punishment for all of this. And I couldn't bear the thought of living without you."

Harper released her hand to tuck her wet blonde hair behind her ear. He gave her a weak smile.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said. "It's time you believe me. I'm not leaving you, not because you're pregnant or because you like vegetables or because some eject shoots me. Twice."

Cameron let out a giggle. "Okay."

He took her hand once more. "We have to stop treating each other like we don't care. We're partners, babe. It's taken us maybe longer than some, but you are mine. And I am yours. Nothing can change that."

Harper smiled. "For one, they can't put me back in cryo now."

Cameron leaned forward to kiss him. Harper yawned, ruining the moment, but she laughed, planting her kiss on his forehead.

"Mine," she said with a wide smile.

Doh. Harper and Cameron will be alright. Or at least, they're on the right path. Harper can't let Cameron keep walking all over him, and hopefully he knows it. Thanks for reading!

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