WDMC Query Letter

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I promised myself that I would start working on Query letters as soon as I got internet. Well, I have internet now so I have no excuse. I am going to post the letter here while I work on it so that I can get some feedback. Thank you in advance.


My name is Jae M. Shanks and my completed young adult science fiction novel is called What Dreams May Come.

With limited people and resources, the first human space colony's excess population has been put in cryogenics until needed. Dylan Brink knew that she didn't get a choice in her partner; she just didn't expect him to be so...different from her. Her days were focused on the colony's need to keep breathing air; he memorized poetry.

Her partner is historian Levi Hark, who wakes up after a century now an outcast in a utilitarian society. He expected to study history, not become history. When the two of them uncover messages from a new spaceship heading toward the planet and a colony wide cover up, their fledging relationship put to the test. Is it more important to obey or to do what is right?

What Dreams May Come meshes the impactful work of authors and artists from our own history, and the excitement of life and technology on another planet two centuries from now. What will we love? What will we have lost? Dylan and Levi explore these questions as they struggle to decide if saving a shipful of strangers is more important than the status quo.

This would be my first published novel; I have had a short story published at the collegiate level. I am a graduate student at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. What Dreams May Come is 48,000 words and has a completed sequel as well. I would be appreciative of your interest in this novel.

Thank you. 

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