Chapter 12: blueprint

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Lincoln came over with little ceremony. Cameron had Harper stay in the small bedroom; Lincoln didn't trust him as much, and then Harper had his gear to swipe the blueprint during the transfer.

"Sorry about being grounded during the earthstorm," Cameron told the older man politely.

She hated him in her home. She detested small talk, but couldn't think of another way to pass the time as Harper worked and the transfer completed.

Lincoln rolled his shoulders. "We cannot stop the earthstorms," he said. "At least we know when they are. I'm hoping we can find another iron deposit and build a couple satellites to launch. We need more information about this planet and being stuck on the ground makes us slow."

"Earth had to have mapped their planet somehow," Cameron suggested.

"Sure, but they had hundreds of years to do it. This planet will kill us in that time," Lincoln replied. "We're still relying on our own resources, nothing is sustainable."

To Cameron's relief, the holo-rib chirped and she unplugged it from the tablet. Harper had built the cord, not that anyone knew that. As far as anyone else was concerned, communications had built the adaptor.

She handed the holo-rib and tablet to Lincoln with a smile.

"All done," she said. "Enjoy a century worth of upgrades."

"I didn't need a century worth of updates," he grumbled and left the room.

Harper poked his head out of the bedroom. "And he didn't even say thank you," he said. "That was rude. Also, he doesn't have the blue print. If it's not on Julius's holo-rib, we don't know where it is."

"Then I'll call Julius," Cameron told him easily, grabbing her holo-rib. "We won't worry until it's not there."

She waited for her device to connect to Julius, and she hoped that he was available today. If not, they might have to postpone tomorrow's evening plans. The man answered and Cameron explained the transfer process, if he wanted to swing by her berth.

"It will only take a couple minutes," she said. "I didn't know if you also needed access to the earthstorm reports."

"I do," he admitted. "Walsh has been on my case to get that transferred. I'll be there in a couple minutes."

"Standing by," she replied. Harper gave her a smile.

"You can justify anything, can't you?" he questioned.

"Most things," she admitted. "Harper, I am sorry I didn't talk to you earlier about getting pregnant. I just didn't want to push our relationship somewhere it wasn't going."

"You are not rid of me so easily," he retorted. "And I have already come up with baby names. Boy and girl, just in case."

"Oh really?" she laughed.

"JT, if it's a boy," he said. "Stands for James Taylor, which is going be the best name any child could hope for."

"Let me guess, Taylor James, if it's a girl," Cameron smirked. "Or TJ."

Harper grinned widely, arching one eyebrow. "I'm a genius, right?"

James was Cameron's father, and she was reasonable certain she had mentioned wanting to name her first born after him. She was impressed that Harper had remembered.

Cameron sighed, pausing dramatically before rolling her shoulder. "I don't hate either name," she admitted. "Except we can't tell anyone we're naming any baby after Taylor until after this mess is over, if ever. People will know we're biased."

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