Chapter 25

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Had it been safe to speed through the streets Oliver would have. But he couldn't and so he continued at a safe speed until they were back at the boat. He threw the car into park and he and Max climbed out, racing towards Andy. He was carrying something draped in a sheet, a grimace firmly marred over his features.

As they drew closer they realized what he was carrying. "Help me get this to the car." Andy grunted.

Skylar and Cassia joined the three. "Who's this? What happened?" the redhead questioned.

"Amber." Andy answered, pained. His hold on the body started to slip, he grunted, readjusting it in his arms. "She up and slit her wrists."

Max and Oliver looked at each other. "Did... did she come back?"

Andy wanted to pause, to turn around and look the boys in the eye but he didn't. "Funny thing that. She did" He grunted again. "How'd you guess?"

"It happened with us too. Well, not us but with that girl's brother. He was shot in the neck but he came back and bit their mom."

They reached the car. Oliver unlocked the trunk and lifted its lid. He quickly removed the food and supplies so Andy could place the dead girl's body inside. He closed the lid, leaning back on it to rest and catch his breath. He turned his head, sizing up the new comer hanging back with Skylar on the bow of the boat. "She's the one you were supposed to be helpin?"

Max nodded his head. "Yeah. But her whole family's dead now. We just couldn't leave her there to die on her own."

Andy huffed. He knew Max was right but they also didn't need to be taking in every stray person they would come across. But this girl did provide them with much needed supplies and for that, he was truly grateful.

"What's the girl's name?"

"Cassia."Oliver and Max said in unison. Andy chuckled a bit. "Guess you two should get these supplies back to the boat. I'm going to head out and take care of this body."

Max nodded before setting to load the supplies onto the boat but Oliver stayed in place. "What should we do about this? About the new information."

Andy paused for a second. "What can we do? Hit up a hospital for answers?" The cop said sarcastically.

"We could do just that. I'm sure there's a hospital not too far from here. Maybe we could go there after burying Amber."

"All of the hospitals are abandoned. There's no one left. No one who has an idea of what's goin' on."

"There may not be any doctors left -" Oliver's eyes lit up. - "but there's documents, paperwork. Back up generators may even still be working, giving us access to hospital computers."

Andy didn't feel like arguing, didn't feeling like raining on the boy's parade. Plus, the young soldier made a good point. Hospital records could hold answers to their questions. He gave a nod of approval before climbing into the front seat, Oliver got in beside him.


They didn't drive far, only about a mile or so from where the boat sat. A little wooded area - more of a rest stop for hikers about to start a longish trek into the wilds. Two wheather beaten, wooden picnic tables sat off to the left with their accompanying benches. And a large metal trash can painted green lay on its side, the contents inside splayed out around it on the asphalt ground. The lighter bits of trash, snack wrappers and napkins had blown to the pine needle covered dirt trail.

Two bright blue porta potties sat adjacent to the trail. Andy had decided that that was a good enough place as any to bury the girl. Not directly behind the portable toilets, but they could be used as cover. Oliver stood guard as the older man worked. He couldn't take his eyes off of the clothed covered body of Amber. He had saved her life just yesterday and now she was dead. And so was Joy. Two people he had promised to protect now dead. He wondered how bad it  hurt to watch your best friend get ripped apart in front of you. Bad enough if she had to take her own life just to escape it. 

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