Chapter 8

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"Dang it. I'll check the room." Britney said, giving Max a look - a silent request of You just watch my back. Max nodded his head. Nothing would harm her. Not on his watch. Britney slowly eased into the dimly lit bedroom. Her body poised, groomed from years of practice. She was on auto-pilot pointing her assigned Glock 22 in every blind spot, readying herself for an ambush. The room was abnormally quiet, easily fooling one into the idea that is was unoccupied. But Britney would be hard pressed if she believed that for even a second.

Max could hardly make out Britney's petite and slender silhouette dressed in a form fitting red long sleeved shirt and some denim jeans. She stealthy moved around the room, almost melting into the shadows. If one wasn't listening they would have missed it but it was there - shallow breaths coming from the darkness. They were hushed but audible. Britney momentarily began to panic, the hairs on the back of her neck raised. The thought quickly filled her mind that the breathing she was hearing no longer belonged to the young man she brought in to her home the night before but now belonged to an undead thing that craved to devour her flesh. She fought back a snort of humor that wanted to push out next. A zombie that breathed! Ha! They were dead. They didn't breath, and they sure as heck wouldn't slink around in the dark waiting for someone to stumble in to them. The dead weren't known for their subtlety. Besides they had checked the soldier for any bites before bringing him into their home.

She made her way closer to the breathing before stepping on something hard.

"Ouuuuch..." But it came out more like a whimper.

"Hit the lights." Britney shouted.

Max moved his hand along the side of the wall near the doorway, feeling for, then finding the switch. There was no "click", but the room filled with light. Everyone blinked quickly, allowing their eyes to adjust to the brightness. Blue eye's laid propped against the wall adjacent to the bathroom.

Britney slowly lowered her gun. The soldier looked at Max then to Britney, then back to Max. "I guess you want to know what happened?" Oliver held his hand up to pause Max. "Yeah but I really gotta pee."


The soldier finished his fifth glass of water while he listened to Max and Britney explain how he ended up in her apartment. She set a plate of food down in front of him. He devoured it. Britney humorously asked "Seconds, private?" as she picked up the soldier's plate. "Yes please, ma'am." Letting out a bashful chuckle. "You don't have to address me as private. Oliver would be preferred."

"There isn't anything wrong with that, Oliver. Just as long as you call me Britney." She said offering up a smile.

Turning towards Max. "I never actually caught your name. I know it was kind of hectic back the-"

"Max. My sister's name is Skylar." He said glaring at Oliver. Oliver looked away with remorse. He knew it wasn't his fault that Max was currently seperated from his sister. He was simply following orders but the young soldier still felt sorrow. He didn't have any siblings but if I did, not knowing how they were doing at a time like this would make him bitter too.

Britney hurried to finish fixing that second plate of food and she also wanted to defuse the situation before it escalated out of control. She headed back to the table and the three boys sitting there. She studied the scene. It was odd having company. The only people that ever came over was Karla and Jackson and their kids. Britney's family didn't live in the same city so she hardly ever had them over and Andy wasn't on good terms with his. Spending most of her time on the force didn't give her much time to make friends, so having a full table for the first time in a while was nice. It made everything feel normal. It was especially nice since both these young guys were easy on the eyes.

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