Chapter 4

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A light wind blew through the deserted city streets, singing a gentle tune, washing over the snarls of the infected. By now the sun had started to set and colors of red and blue twirled in the sky, meeting each other with an embrace before their departure.

Max sat in between the two front seats of the Humvee, frantically searching for a way of escape, but to no avail. He called for dispatch but got no response and the soldier had a gun but there was no way for Max to get out of the vehicle without being bitten or eaten. Now, he sat, waiting for the inevitable as the infected pounded away at the windows and all sides of the truck.

Was this how it felt meeting your end?

If it was, Max felt nothing more than anger. Anger for not knowing what would become of his sister's fate or the world that slowly died around him. It was unfair. Unfair that the dead now walked the earth eating everything in their path. It was unfair that humanity would die out in such a fashion. It was unfair that no one could stand up and fight back, willing out the infected. And it was unfair that Max would die trapped in a stupid Humvee smashed into a wall.

Max was driven, always had been driven. And that drive was what had gotten him through since the dead started walking the earth and civilization started to fall. But now, trapped in what could equate to a giant coffin all the while, he could feel that drive slowly slip away. He was now a nervous wreck and since no one else was around to witness it, he didn't care in showing it.

Peering over his left shoulder, Max looked down at the door handle swallowing hard. He refused to have a coward's death, if he were going to die this day it would be on his terms. With determination, his hand went for the Humvee door. Before he could put his plan into effect Max was jolted by the sound of bullets as they pierced the silence, rippling through the air.

A zombie's head exploded right in his view, and more of the dead started to fall, littering the ground. Max needed a moment to figure out just what was happening. It was too surreal and quite confusing.

The outside world quickly filtered back into focus and thoughts of a gory suicide retreated from his mind. "It's safe. You can come out now." A deep southern voice called out somewhere from the streets.

Looking down at the still unconscious soldier, Max knew he had to get him some help and that voice could be the key.

Hesitating momentarily, Max stepped out of the Humvee, hands up and eyes at the ready. Whoever it was who had just saved his life might not be as friendly as they may want him to believe. Max's gaze landed on a duo, one male, the other female. They were both dressed in police combatant gear. They were a few feet away from the truck, and their guns were trained on Max.

"Is anyone else in there." The female officer asked tilting her head towards the Humvee.

"Yeah. A soldier."

"Is he conscious ?" She asked with some hesitation.

Max simply shook. The woman holstered her weapon and rushed towards Max and Blue Eyes. She entered the crashed vehicle with a practiced ease, her eyes assessing the situation inside before forming a plan of action.

"His pulse is steady." She announced, the inside of the truck muffling her words. She didn't let that stop her though and she quickly scooped him up, tossing him over her right shoulder and guiding him out and into what was left of the daylight.

"Andy, I could use a little help over here." The request was a bit breathless since the solider weighed more than her. She glared at Max and his lack of aiding her in the rescue of his companion.

A feeling of unease crept up Max's spine as he stood all alone. Though the two officers were only a few feet away, it might as well have been a thousand miles. Max looked over his shoulder, trying not to jump at every shadow, at every sound. But with daylight diminishing with every second, those shadows would soon swallow them all into night and with new dangers which they couldn't see.

If Tomorrow Never Comes- A zombie novelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum