Chapter 21

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"Do you remember where you last seen your family, hon?" Britney placed a comforting hand on the young woman's shoulder.

Cassia sighed dramatically, as if recounting the story was too much to ask for. "Yeah, it was about two... maybe three blocks away. We were staying at our house. My dad had the place built like Fort Knox." Cassia smiled nervously - "Not like he's some Doomsday Prepper or anything, just... he's from Bangladesh and he's seen things in his life. So he wanted to make sure that we were 100% safe in our own home. Which means we have tons of food, a few emergency generators, lots of fresh water stored. Even the windows and doors have been secured. You get the picture.

But I digress, we left to go check on my grandparents - my mom's mom and dad." She shrugged. "They refused to leave their home. They only live on the other side of town but my grandfather built their home with his own two hands and my mom and her siblings grew up there. She and my dad were married in the backyard. So you can see why they weren't leaving without a fight. We always brought them food and supplies before the world went crazy and we continued to do so after.

Except this time, someone had been watching. Learned our routine - a bunch of bikers - and set a trap. They blew out the tires on my dad's Escalade. Me and my brother sat in the back looking at each other. It was strange because nothing like that had ever happened to us. We thought it was a joke at first, until the guys came out from their hiding places brandishing guns. One yelled for us all to get out of the car. My dad told us to do what they said and not to make any sudden movements." Cassia stared off into the back of the deserted store, eyes far and distant as she relived the story she was telling.

"It happened so fast. The one guy demanding that my dad give him all the supplies in the car and he agreed. Then another one tried to touch me. I think he wanted to take me with him. My mom pushed him away. It made him laugh and he commented on how he liked a woman with fight in her, made it all the more fun to break her. My mom didn't flinch at his words, only stood between him and me. That's when the leader informed my dad that he wanted to be taken to where we'd been staying. My dad refused and that's when he told us to run but we didn't get too far before the bikers began open firing. My brother was hit in the neck. He fell down trying to take cover, his hand around his neck. Our dad got him, pulling him around the Escalade for cover." Cassia stopped before wiping at her eyes.

"I freaked out and ran off. I've never seen anyone shot before, let alone my brother. That kind of thing only happens on television." She took another deep, cleansing breath. "My mom kept calling my name. I didn't dare look back or even stop. It was like I had tunnel vision, her voice was far away, the world around me had grown fuzzy and gray. I just ran - like I wasn't in control anymore. I heard one of the thugs say that some of the dead were coming, then more shots, my mom screaming, then everything went silent."

There were no words of comfort that could ease Cassia's pain. Almost everyone here had a similar story of horror to share. They all belonged to a new survivors club an honor that any of them would gladly return if it would make the world right once again.

Cassia sobbed uncontrollably.

After a few moments she ventured a glance, her eyes met with Britney's, "Please. You guys have to help me find them....I need to know that they're alright."

"We'll go back to where you said you seen them last. If they're not there...I'm sorry but that's all we can manage." Oliver said as he stepped closer to her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She ran back to her father's office before returning with a travel pack, an axe, and a sawed off shotgun.

"My father's... store protection." was all she offered as an excuse. Max chuckled along with Oliver.

If Tomorrow Never Comes- A zombie novelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon