Story One: Freedom For Hybrids (A Creature OneShot/Story)

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A/N: This was an English assignment... she wanted descriptive stuff, so it takes a while to get into. #BlameGooby. Also didn't know if I should have put it as a Short Story or Oneshot. Put your opinion down below please! :3 -Lethe

Aleks rattled his cage bars, trying to pull them off. Though he knew he couldn't escape of the rusty cell, he wanted to so badly.

Aleks glanced around the lab, sighing. The Lav was normal: grey walls, green and blue liquids, various lab equipment, and cabinets containing various items Aleks had never seen. But while the lab was normal, the people contained in the see-through cages were not. Then again, they weren't people...

they were hybrids.

How they turned into hybrids? For Aleks, he was kidnapped as a kid in Russia and sold to an illegal lab, where they put a bunch of stuff into him, causing him to grow grey Husky ears and a long grey husky tail. Aleks was a pale color, had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a slim body, which made his appearance almost normal.

But for Eddie, his cellmate, however, it was different. Eddie was kidnapped by one of the lab workers as a child in Puerto Rico. He was also injected, but with different liquids for him. He had orange fox ears, sharp fox teeth, and an orange, fluffy, fox tail with a white tip. Unfortunately for Eddie, with his Puerto Rican skin, black spikey hair, and deep colored eyes, it made him look as if he had been born that way.

Aleks sighed and sat down on the ground. He was 21 and Eddie was 26, so they had been in the cells most of their lives. Because of this, they both wanted the one thing wasn't exactly in their reach: freedom.

They had tried to escape two times, but both had not worked. The lead scientist always caught them and always punished them.

The lead scientist. Though it didn't sound scary, the mere image of him made Aleks's blood run cold.

Now, what you must understand about the "lead scientist" was that he always injected liquids into himself. And because of this, he looked like a mutant creature. His face was the only thing normal: grey eyes, a "u" shaped chin, big brown eyebrows, a huge nose, and an unfriendly smile. He had no hair: instead, his so called hair was actually leaves from a failed experiment. He had six arms; each one being from a different mob. His legs were like a squid's and he had no feet.

If his appearance wasn't scary enough, his mind was. He was like a mixture of Hilter and Darth Vader.

Aleks sniffed his nose, starting to smell some peculiar sceny. The only good thing about being experimented on was that you got the better senses of the creature you had been mixed with too. His eyes started to pick up a rustling of sorts, and Aleks knew that Eddie was woken up.

"Eddie!" Aleks whispered.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked, his accent standing out.

Aleks never got the chance to say what he wanted to because just then the door to the lab opened.

Quickly, a scientist placed food on the ground. It looked mushy, disgusting, and smelled horrible. Who knew what they had put in there? he thought. This thought brought up a memory of their first escape attempt.

It was two weeks ago, and the cells were being guarded by one man. Everyone else had gone home for the night. Aleks smirked. The day before, Aleks and Eddie had planned for this to happen, and were ready to try their plan.

"Psst!" He heard Eddie whisper, trying his best not to giggle.

"What?" The guard asked, turning Eddie's direction. He looked like a basic guard: husky, bald, huge muscles, etc etc.

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