↣ goddamned sprained ankles // fluff

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ok so i saw this hEAdcAnOn anD i hAd to wriTe a thing even tho im fucking dumb



"What do you mean you hurt your ankle?!"

Bokuto's voice was so loud over the phone, and it didn't help Akaashi's headache as he winced. 

"I mean that I sprained it. Tripped down the stairs. Not a big deal, I'll be at practice in a few days, okay?"

"Are you alright?"

"What? I'm fine." Akaashi sighed a little. "I just have a headache. I'll be at school tomorrow, I'll talk to you then."

"Do you need anything? Cuddles? Something?" Bokuto sounded sincerely worried, and okay-- Akaashi was flattered that he cared this much, but he wasn't really in the mood for his clinginess at the very moment.

"I need you to fucking go to sleep. You need rest for practice, right?"

"It won't be the same without you there!"

Akaashi rolled his eyes, glad that Bokuto couldn't see the little smile on his face. "You'll be fine. Go to sleep."

Akaashi hung up before he heard anymore complaints, and let out a loud sigh because he kinda wished Bokuto could give him cuddles.


"You look like you're in immense pain."

"Are you dying, Akaashi? Congrats, your dream came true."

"Shut up," Akaashi snapped at Komi and Konoha, who just wouldn't leave him alone. His crutches were supposed to help, but instead they were a bother too. "Go to class. If you won't help with my stuff, don't waste my time."


An energetic, almost panicked voice rang through the long hallways.

"God damn it," Akaashi muttered; he could recognize that voice anywhere.

Bokuto came running for the three boys standing in the hallway and came to a halt at Akaashi, looking him up and down. "Why are you so sad?"

"What? I'm not--" 

Bokuto didn't let him finish, taking books out of his hands. "Those crutches look annoying."

"I mean, they are but--"

"I'll carry you to your classes, Akaashi!"

"I--" Blush formed on his cheeks and he looked from his two volleyball friends, to Bokuto, and back several times before being able to speak. Bokuto started handing Akaashi's things to an annoyed Konoha while Akaashi just frowned, confused. "Huh?"

"Here!" His legs were lifted out from under him and suddenly he was sitting on Bokuto's back while he supported him.

"W-- I-- what are you doing?"

"Giving you a piggyback ride! My setter doesn't deserve this pain!" 

He was strong enough to carry Akaashi around the school, apparently. ​

Akaashi watched as people passed by staring and was too embarrased to look anymore, and ended up burying his head into Bokuto's back.

His really strong, nice back.

He hugged his arms, too. I mean, who wouldn't though?

↣ bokuaka // oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now