↣ not routine // starbucks au

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I need coffee I need coffee I need coffee--

That seemed to be the only thing that was running through Akaashi's head at the moment. He didn't even care if he was late for work, because he had a long day at school and he was tired, and deep down inside he didn't want to stand there in a mall store all day talking to people.

He walked quickly inside the mall, almost running, because even if he didn't care at the moment if he was late, he would regret it deeply if he were fired.

So he quickly ordered his coffee, and paid. Same old thing, really bitter and "gross" to some people.

The funny-haired cashier kept giving him weird looks, but he ignored it mostly. It was all routine, and he liked it that way.

He looked down to check his phone, but that same cashier cleared his throat.

"H-- here's your coffee--" He stammered. From his build Akaashi thought he was a grown man, but he had a more teenage voice. Akaashi took the cup from him, thanked him carefully, and walked out the door.

Well, when he looked down at the paper cup, he stopped and stood there a second.

Blush crept on his face when he read the little message in messy handwriting.

"Hi!! You're really cute! I'm Bokuto, but you probably saw my name tag thingy. And Akaashi is a really pretty name and I'm running out of room on this cup so call me!"

A number was written down below the words, next to what looked like a heart eyes emoji. Akaashi was beet red by now, and hurried to work before he spontaneously combusted.


Bokuto turned around to face his wild haired friend at the cash register next to him.

"What's up, Kuroo?"

He just grins at him. "Bro, your little innocent charade isn't working. I saw you staring at that pretty boy earlier. What was his name?"

Bokuto glares at him as pink forms on his cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about."

When Kuroo just raises an eyebrow, the owl haired boy sighs. "His name was Akaashi."

"Pleease don't tell me you put your number on his cup--"

"Why couldn't I have?!"

"That's so cliche! He's so pretty, he probably has a girlfriend already."

"Or a boyfriend," Bokuto pointed out. He could see Kenma, the little pudding head, glaring at them.

Kuroo just smirks. "Not everyone is as gay as you."


"Get back to work you thugs," Kenma glares at them. The two boys have no choice but to obey.


Later, lying stomach first on his bed, Akaashi thought of that number.

He didn't throw away the coffee cup. He probably should've, but he didn't.

Instead, he just sat there and looked at it while he was on break. His boss thinks he's crazy now, but she thinks everyone is.

And now, he's still staring at that goddamn paper cup.

Finally, he pulled out his phone. Ignoring the ten new texts from Suga and five from Oikawa, he looked at the coffee cup again and dialed the number.

It was nothing routine, and he loved it that way.

lowkey wanna kms because I can't think of a name

anywayyyy I really hoped you liked it!

if you didn't

please give feedback

I just want to improve m8

plea s e

↣ bokuaka // oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now