Labs And Stars

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"What are you talking about?" Josh pressed as the others walked over, "What do you know about my dad?"

Tyler flinched back, holding his Pokémon protectively. Josh's expression softened and he relaxed his tone.

"I-I'm sorry. Can we heal your Psyduck real quick?" Josh offered a smile to Tyler, who nodded. Josh turned to Michael, who set his Cubone down to get into his backpack. He pulled out a small diamond shaped powder and passed it to Josh, who held it out to Tyler. "Do you want to give it to him?" Josh asked, to which Tyler nodded eagerly.

Tyler grabbed the medicine and held it up next to the Psyduck's nose. He waved it back and forth slowly for a moment before the yellow creature's eyes opened.

"Psy!" Tyler exclaimed, dropping the medicine and holding the Pokémon tightly.

"Psy-Psyduck!" It cried out, flapping its arms in confusion.

"Sorry..." Tyler said, softly, as he let it go. It simply rubbed its head with a shrug. "Do you still have a migraine?"

"Psyducks always have migraines." Michael spoke up as he walked up with the Doctor and Frank, "For some reason, it transfered from game to reality."

The Doctor kneeled next to Josh and smiled at Tyler. "Hello. I'm the Doctor."

Tyler shook his head. "But... But I'm not sick..."

"Not that kind of Doctor, just Doctor." The Doctor said, sticking out his hand to the timid boy.

Tyler looked at the Doctor's hand before reaching out his own to shake it. "I'm Tyler..." As he pulled his hand back from the shake, the four letters floated down and swirled around him. They buzzed noisily, but Tyler seemed transfixed by the noise.

"You actually have unknown?" Josh asked, causing Tyler to blink back into reality. "But they all escaped years ago."

Tyler shrugged as the letters continued to float around him. "They've just always stuck around me..."

"Unknown?" The Doctor asked, "I'm sorry, I'm not hip with the lingo of this game of yours."

"I'm sure there's more important alien things to be done anyway." Josh shrugged, "There's ancient lore with text written in the letters of the unknown alphabet." Josh gestured to the swirling letters that Tyler had refocused his attention on. "Looks like Tyler has... T... Y... J... O."

"Ty-Jo?" Frank asked, "For Tyler..."

"Joseph..." Tyler muttered, watching the Unknown. "My name's Tyler Joseph..."

Josh tilted his head at Tyler, clearly a bit fascinated by him. It took him a minute to shake back to the present moment. "M-my dad, you said something happened."

Tyler looked away from his unknown to look at Josh. His face contorted to that of someone listening intently, to someone afraid of what they had seen.

"They did something bad..." Tyler whispered, "It's all smashed and broken..."

"Who? What happened?!" Josh exclaimed, making Tyler shrink back.

The darker haired boy stood up and gestured for the group to follow him. "You gotta see for yourself." He insisted as he began to walk backwards, "I saw... There's cameras."

Josh shot to his feet with a nod, soon followed by the Doctor. Michael and Josh began to run behind Tyler, while Frank stood along side the Doctor.

"What do we do?" He asked in an unsure tone.

The Doctor shrugged. "I say we follow them." He replied, simply. He grabbed Frank's hand with a grin, "C'mon then!" He pulled Frank forward to catch up with the others.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now