Vacation? It's Never So Simple...

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As the two sped down the staircase, the noises of the tardis were softening. The Doctor released Frank's hand and hurried over to the control panel.

"Ah! We've made it!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

"Where to?" Frank asked, walking over. The Doctor turned to him with a wide grin.

"Here! Now!" He said, pointing to the tardis' doors. "Go look!"

Frank rolled his eyes, changing his course of direction. The Doctor was going to keep this a surprise. He stepped down the staircase quickly, getting to the door with building anticipation. He grabbed the door and pulled it open to be greeted by an incredible sight.

The galaxy was laid out in front of him. Stars seemed to dominate the dark atmosphere, scattered with swirling hues of color. Frank remembered looking up at the night sky through his telescope, but it never compared to this.

"Woah..." Frank marveled, stepping out of the tardis. His feet met a metal surface. He looked around to notice that the tardis was in a full metal room with a wall of glass to display the space outside.

"A literal space vacation!" The Doctor exclaimed, jumping out of the tardis. "It's basically a small hotel room that gives you a view of the space your drifting through." He came up next to Frank, holding his hands behind his back and rocking on his toes.

"That's actually what's outside?" Frank asked, pointing to the amazing view.

The Doctor nodded. "We're far from any time you may have been alive in. Welcome to 4639! Or somewhere around there."

"That year doesn't exist." Frank laughed, looking at the Doctor in disbelief.

"Afraid it does, Frankie boy, because we're kind of in it." The Doctor shrugged.

"Are there other people here?" Frank asked, walking closer to the glass that separated them from the infinite space on the other side. "Since it's a space vacation thing?"

"I don't see why not." The Doctor shrugged again, "Feel like exploring?"

Frank grinned, shaking his head eagerly. "Yes! Can we?"

The Doctor motioned for Frank to follow him around the phone box and over to a door that blended with the metal room. He pressed his hand against it, causing it to dissolve away before their eyes.

"Woah..." Frank laughed in amazement, stepping through the now open space. "The future is rad..."

"The future is now." The Doctor grinned, watching Frank look around the metal paneled hallway. "I think the main entertainment rooms are to your left?"

"Can we go?!" Frank asked as another door opened just a few feet away, revealing a tall man with brown hair.

"Please!" The Doctor nodded, gesturing down the hall.

Frank hurried down the hall, with the Doctor right on his heels. It didn't take long for the hallway to expand into a large room. It was full of booths, and people and...

"What are those?" Frank asked as two human like creatures with blue skin and long robes walked past.

"Aliens, Frankie." The Doctor whispered into his ear, "I brought you somewhere entirely new this time. Didn't mess up on coordinates." He looked extremely happy with himself as he spoke the last part.

"How often do you mess up coordinates?" Frank asked with the raise of an eyebrow.

"More than I'll ever admit. Now, come on! Let's look around." The Doctor rushed through his first sentence, pulling Frank into the flow of people before he could question it.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now