letting go

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I just wish things wouldn't be so complicated
it's hard putting this type of pressure on a person
I mean, I'm strong
I can handle it
very few people have seen me break down
I can count them on one hand
but in the long run I'll break down eventually
I always say I'm so strong
but being and feeling along is too much to face
that's why I cling onto people
my problem is no one ever needed me as much as I needed them
I needed people to tell me that it's going to be okay
that i can get through this
but no one does
they just tell me that it's not so bad
or I'm over exaggerating 
no one truly understands what it's like to live with constant fear
fear of people not wanting to be with you
it eats away every piece I have left
everything seems so small in comparison
that's why I hold onto memories for so long
I reminisce about the happier times when I'm sad
but little did I know that when I looked on the times that I smiled I would cry
I just never want to let go of those times
I forever wish that I could go back
I guess the hardest part isn't letting go
it's forgetting you ever had a grip in the first place

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