The Beginning

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I can't believe my brothers are so annoying, they always team up and tease me, about everything, even laughing at texts! I think to myself. My face is still hot and my body carries the dread of life and warmth of the house I hate.

It's so beautiful with the leaves on all the trees turning gold, fiery oranges, and reds. I love walking on this trail; I always come to this trail through the forest when I need to relax. The cool night air takes all my stress and blows it away. It makes me shiver. The heat from the house and my anger fades away bit by bit, I stop and let it go to enjoy the moment. I look up and see the trillions of tiny white stars. They amaze me with their beauty and they make me feel warm and safe inside; all my worries disappear and I can't stop smiling.

I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my shorts. It's probably my mom telling me to come back now. Should I ignore it? I don't really feel like going back and getting teased and yelled at again; I'll just look but not answer. Then start home.

Sure enough, my mom has demanded I sprint home right now. I should charge my phone tonight, I think as I notice the battery's percentage. I slip it back into my pocket and turn around to go back home. My hands are freezing so I slip them into the pockets of my leather jacket. I look down at my black runners and kick a rock around as if I'm playing soccer. I try to do it subtly so that no one will notice my childish actions.

All of a sudden I freeze as I feel the warmth of a hand on my arm, then I'm thrown forward onto the pavement. I gasp with surprise as I lay slightly winded on the ground. I look back over my shoulder to see a tall man and woman. They lean down and I try to move away on my already scraped hands and knees. But I'm kicked in the side and fall limp and helpless as I try to gasp for breath. My wrists are roughly pulled behind me and I hear duct tape. Panic engulfs me. I try to scream as a piece of duct tape is pressed over my mouth. I thrash against the woman's hold and she slams my head onto the concrete.

I'm in a daze as they wrap my legs; I lay there unmoving. As I try to regain my strength, the couple drags me onto the asphalt road. Suddenly I'm flying through the air, toward the open door of a van. My heart nearly stops in fear.


Hey guys, thanks so much for reading, I will definitely update tomorrow, give feedback about errors or issues, hope you enjoy. Also I would love advice, and if you want longer chapters, just let me know! ;)

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