Chapter 13

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My white linen nightclothes sparkled from the light of the moon leaking through the curtains. Rubbing my tired eyes i quickly decided to go search for my parents. My small frame plopped onto the wooden floor and i quickly scampered to the large doorway. Light peaked through the half cracked open door and i could barely hear the whispers outside it.

"They're asleep, it's now or never"

Strange, the voice didn't belong to my parents or the servants. Out of pure curiosity i tiptoed further to the doorway until my ear was against the cold frame.

"But... I guess you're right.. if we kill em' then we wont have to be told what to do and we can continue our research in peace"

Research? Kill? Who are these people and what do they want. I gasped when i felt the pressure of something push against my door. Retreating, i managed to run in the darkest corner of the room and hide myself as best as i could.

The silhouette of a man entered my room and carefully scanned the area. My heart rate escalated as he slowly walked around the room to the side of my large bed. He held onto a dark object, i believe to be a weapon of some sort.

Finally he stopped moving but held the weapon above his head and forcibly brought it down on the cotton sheets. Again and again he brought the weapon down until feathers and cotton flew freely in the air. Breathing ruggedly, i witnessed the man tear apart my bed, and inside i knew he was targeting me.  when his movements became less aggressive he fell onto the bed and groaned angrily.

"Dammit, where is she?"

His voice was deep and sinister. I could tell he was breathing heavily and gasping as he turned his back on the bed. Holding the weapon above his head he began talking to himself.

"Is this job really worth it? Kill a lil' girl just for money? I dont know what ta' do anymor'."

His voice broke at the end and sobs escaped his lips. Now is my chance to escape. The door was roughly ten feet away, wide open, and no one seemed to be waiting outside. If i make it to the door, then i can find my parents and we all can make it out alive. Hopefully.

My plan was set into action, tiptoeing towards the doorway my body clung to the dark walls for support. Though the room was dark i could see quite well. Except the dark figure creeping up behind me.

Instantly i felt a sharp pain in my back. A blow to my side sent my limp body flying onto the floor. I laid stunned by the hit on my back, gasping for oxygen. The burning in my lungs didn't compare to the hideous sound of screaming coming from somewhere in the mansion.

Struggling to get up i was again pushed down. The man which was sitting on my bed forcibly  tried to restrain my flailing limbs. I let out an ear piercing speech as the man on-top of me began slowly tying my arms with rope.

"Mommy, daddy!"

yelling wasnt enough and i was rewarded a slap to the face for screaming.

"They're not gonna' save ya', proly'  dead by now"

I mouthed 'what' and realized the reality of the situation. Flames began to appear everywhere and the man on top of me now picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. Shock pulsed through my body and i was instantly paralyzed from fear. The rope burned my wrists and my nightgown was slightly torn from fighting. My worst fear became a reality as my parents were no where to be found.

I closed my eyes as the screams seized. Everything became black and grey. My hopes shattered like glass seeing my home burn into ash. The man whom stole me watched my every move as the carriage dragged us along. Bump after bump, minute upon minute, i knew one thing for sure. My life is over.


Author's Note:

Jasmine's flashback of what happened to her parents, and how her life was completely turned upside down. Thank you for reading and i hope you're having a marvelous day! I'm going to continue writing to hopefully finish this story soon. Ending it might be hard but i will do it :-) Enjoy!

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