Chapter 3

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Sunlight forced my body to awaken. Flooding memories and past experiences crept into my mind as i carefully opened my eyes. The bright light blinded and hurt my head until i accepted the pain.

Is this reality? Was this all a dream or am i really in a meadow. Slowly i managed to stand, stumbling at first but then regaining my balance. Yes. I actually was in a meadow. Wait. Before i fell asleep in a forest... unless i sleep walk which wouldn't be a total surprise with everything else that has occurred so far. I felt tired although i slept through most of the day, according to the sun's position in the sky.

"Must be half past three in the afternoon... Sebastian's going to be furious!"

Shock rippled through my body as the name dug into my chest. I felt the familiar pain which created an aching in my heart. Describing this feeling, not a want but a need. I need to see him. This feeling... its not anything... normal. Its almost like i cannot get enough of him that i want to just be in his presence. I'm slowly going insane. I know it.

Finally i began walking through the meadow. Butterflies danced and twirled above the tall cat tails. Wind blew fresh scents into my nose and throughout the air. How relaxing. My last thought until my mind ran dry from the beautiful scenery.

"Nice... not what i expected you to say but its a start. for now"

This voice. No. it cant be. I've heard it before but never expected to finally reunite with its owner.

"Come along Jasmine, we still have many tests to run before you change back. You wouldn't want that would you, Jasmine?"

My entire body felt frozen. Time had stopped and i was alone in my mind. Change? I don't need to change. I need to go back to the noble's mansion and become a maid and live with Sebastian and Ciel. Change is not the answer and therefore i am extremely against the idea.

Instead of fear, anger bubbled up inside me ready to burst with another word from this maniac. If i turn around, his face may cause me to freak out. If i don't, then i'll be stuck with another unsolved mystery. Be strong. Now is the time to figure out answers. Think of everything you don't know and the answers lying behind you in a terrifying man. Bravery, courage, and strength. Please. I need you...Sebastian.


Flashback :

Four years ago I witnessed the greatest tragedy that ever struck the Winston Family. Flames, plaque, and the worst form of punishment.. Death. Remembering the days which i spent alone hurt the most. I was only nine years old, a child who grew up in the wrong era and position. I was a noble's daughter.

A child with a scarred past and childhood which haunted me to this day. Without a place to call home, and death creeping up on me. I decided to find help. And help came in the form of a man.. a scientist to be more specific.

"Jeremy B. Kirate"

The name rang in my ears as a victory bell. I loved the sound of it. Jeremy. How lovely. How dreadfully lovely....

He accepted me almost immediately. Having a young girl to help with chores would be any man's dream. His brown locks, thick spectacles, and green eyes gave him a kind and innocent look. This appearance caused me to give him instant trust and gratitude. I became his only helper in those days. Since the fire tore down my home, He was all i had left.

I still never questioned anything about those days. Maybe forgetting will help.. The tears i used to shed will be forgotten and i can live a happy life, like mother and father always wanted for me. At least that's what Jeremy always told me at night.

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