Chapter 4

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The face which glared from above was not the face of the kind, sweet, lovable Jeremy whom i grew accustomed too. This was a psychopath's face. A blood lust which i could never understand. His arms and face were still but his eyes were full of hate. Why does he hate me? what have i done? Is it all my fault....

Jeremy returned from his dark corner, and gently touched my face again. I allowed him to touch me, but regretted his look of pure lust. I felt relieved when he curled back up in his dark little corner. Nothing could erase the thoughts which crossed my mind.

Jeremy is no longer here. That man is and he will kill me without remorse. I still don't get it. Wanting to break out of this cage and run throughout this place was the only plan i had. Impossible and stupid. How about i just turn into a bird and fly through a window? That seems more realistic than getting out of here without a descent plan.


His name seemed to send a shiver up his spine. Or maybe it was my voice which caught him by surprise. It's not like he cut out my tongue. He should be used to hearing me since i lived with him for so long.

He quickly got up and lingered for a second or two by the corner before casually making his way towards me. Once he stopped walking he was about a foot or two from the cage. Now is the time to question this psychopath who stole Jeremy from me.

"Why did you lock me up, Jeremy?"

Again he shivered but a smirk spread across his face. The smirk slowly grew into a smile and then he was practically grinning from ear to ear. Perhaps i asked the wrong question. I better try interrogating him from a different angle.

"Its time for bed Jeremy, I'm guessing this is a dream so can we all just wake up now?"


"Please, I'm tired Jeremy"


"Why....w-why are you doing this!"

Anger bubbled up inside me. The only answers i received were silence and more silence. His creepy smiles crept up from behind me and dug into my back. I don't understand anything anymore.

"Poor Jasmine.. trying so hard to figure out the answers she will never receive"

My head fell down and tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn't sob or make a sound.

Days may have passed by, but light never entered this small dark room. The cold cage bars comforted me when Jeremy's smiles only dug into my heart. Insanity. Yes. Pure and sweet. Just like the taste of that substance which i consumed. Maybe it was poison, how i desire it to be. Then all this misery will end and i'll be free. Or i may have died already and i'm now in hell. Torture, pain, this must be hell.

My answers have been solved. I am in hell.


The cage doors creaked. The sound irritated my ears. Scraping, scratching, tearing. I didn't budge. Even though i felt the presence of something, i knew i would only regret whatever it was. I'm not sure why i didn't fight. My sanity has drained completely from my body and all that is left is an empty vessel without a heart.

The figure grabbed onto my body and pulled me through the labyrinth of the manor. My frail body felt the sharp pains of the hard cement floor. Every bump scratched deeper into my skin. Ignore the pain. Endure it and live. The thoughts filled the void inside me but helped very little.

I already lost all hope and humanity in that room. if i die... or if i'm dead... nothing will ever bring back the old Jasmine's sanity.

The dark figure strapped me into a hospital like bed. The leather felt warm on my cold skin. My toes were blue and dark from days of staying in the cage. I lost feeling in them but hardly had any need for them anymore. I gave up escaping days ago. Maybe even weeks. I'm not sure.

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