Chapter 1

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Noises filled the alley way which Jasmine marked as her territory. Bustling crowds congregated among the sidewalks which winded up and down the streets of London. As morning moved towards afternoon, the rumbling of Jasmine's belly awakened her. She began rustling among the garbage piles which held leftover scraps from yesterday.

A yellowish orange tabby cat stretched beside her as it begged for food. 'Meow' Jasmine pricked up her ears at the sound of the helpless animal. She rolled over, gently tugging at the tabby cats ears.

Her scrawny figure emphasized the hunger which she felt daily. The cat was plump, feeding on all the food which Jasmine effortlessly hid time and time again. Still, she hadn't had any regrets about taking in the poor cat.

As a kitten, it yelped from the alley ways. Tired, poor and on the verge of death, Jasmine felt empathy for the creature. She took the cat in and soon after a few years it reached maturity and regained happiness.

Jasmine felt happy after that day. The cat reminded her of herself. She hadn't had the slightest clue about where she grew up or when she began living in the streets. The memories were all a blur.

Jasmine lifted up the tabby cat, patting the matted fur which stuck to her fingers. She paused for a moment before standing up straight. Her back arched and twisted as she met the floor with her feet. Pain shifted through her body.

Aches and pains became a regular struggle. Food. The one topic on her mind. The tabby cat, no, Tiger rubbed against her ankles continuously meowing. She skipped towards the opening of the ally way.

Fear surged through her as faces met hers in the light of day. Faces of disgust, annoyance and apathy crossed their expressions. She coughed and spit on the floor ignoring their selfishness and disgust.

People are horrid creatures only thinking for themselves. Jasmine leaned on the brick wall which towered above her forming an arch above the ally. She waited until a passerby dropped a few crumbs or perhaps an entire sandwich, if she is lucky enough.Anything for a bite of pastry.

A sweet aroma drifted into her nose. Her body twisted towards the scent. Lingering for a moment, Jasmine thought about how and where to obtain such a magnificent scent. Her eyes landed upon a small boy. Roughly her age but wearing the utmost official noble clothing she ever laid eyes upon.

He held a black cane which struck the ground with authority. Gold engravings marked the handle where the child noble grasped upon. Bits of sweet crumbs dangled upon his lips. Powdered sugar fell upon his black shirt and slowly landed onto the ground.

Don't waste the precious sugar... my thoughts became more and more apparent. Steal it. He's only a boy. He can get more if he ever so desires. You on the other hand, will starve without it. When was the last time you ate something so delicious. Indeed, i soon became unaware of my actions and slowly escaped from the darkness in the ally way.

Jasmine's P.O.V

My body inched closer and closer to the young boy. He paid absolutely no attention to the filthiness which clung to my skin. My black hair stuck to my neck from sweating. My skin brown from days of wallowing in filth.

I had gotten used to the horrid conditions and rarely questioned my unpleasant appearance. The scent finally was close enough to the point where i could taste the sugary pastry. The boy flinched as i stood behind him.

His head spun around, and his body turned. His eyes. the first thing i noticed about his face. The dark blue eyes which drove into my soul. They were not full of hate and disgust. Instead they reminded me of a kings.

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