Chapter 8

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Sebastian's hands were cold on my warm skin. His eyes flashed dark pink again before closing. His breath tickled my neck  and before I knew it, I felt pain where he breathed.

His fangs dug into my neck and began ripping flesh. I squirmed but his grip on my body refused to let me move freely. I frantically kicked at his grip, he released his teeth from my neck and stared into my eyes. Blood dripped from his mouth as he stood motionless.

" What are you doing, Sebastian?"

He ignored my question and continued staring. Seconds ticked by before he let go of me and backed away into the darkness. Moments went by where I believed I was alone in the world. Then the bedroom became hazy in my vision until light swept through completely washing the pitch black away.

Ciel stood before me with Sebastian at his side. I realized I had been curled up on the floor mumbling incoherent sentences.

" She doesn't seem to have a soul..."

Sebastian spoke quietly while gazing dubiously down upon me. Me without a soul and now supposedly immortal? I have a soul, just as much as any other person!

Ciel nodded before turning to look out into the sunny mid morning sky. His blue eye revealed the slightest bit of sympathy. As I struggled to stand up, the two watched my every movement.

My stumbling and tumbling may have entertained them if I hadn't shot them both a dirty look. Both of the men smiled as Ciel began lumbering towards the door. Sebastian followed in suit, leaving me alone in the room.

Before I knew what had occurred I felt a cold presence from behind me. The door shut and a hand fell on my mouth, its grip tightening with every breath I took. Please. Someone. Help...


Sebastian had in fact abducted me, although I practically lived with the man. He took me away from the manor into an abandoned house with cracked window panes and cob webs weaving throughout the empty hallways.

Almost like a horror film, without count Dracula nearby to suck the blood of all the virgin girls. I smiled at the thought before Sebastian's glare turned off every happy idea running in my system.

His black hair was neatly shoved behind his right ear, while he ditched his outer tailcoat and white gloves. His under shirt was dark grey which underneath was a black thin shirt with lines running down the chest.

I never really had time to gaze upon Sebastian's body, but his body was a sight to marvel at. He stood tall at around 6'4 with a dazzling muscle structure. Everything from his face to his toes would make any young girl go mad.

I for one may fall in love with him, but because of my current situation love could result in death and pain. So pushing away the thoughts is the only rational decision. Still, I have a few moments to stare at his exquisite physique....

"Please look away Jasmine"

His powerful voice filled my ears and shook my frail body. The tone in his voice, strong and authoritative without any flaws. Instantly I listened and stared into the earths soil.

My heart beat rapidly until I felt a familiar figure breath onto my neck again. This time I allowed it. I didn't fight the feeling of razors running down my neck since i knew it was Sebastian. The questions of why and what for screeched in the back of my mind.

Endure it Jasmine, you have been through so much worse. Minutes which felt like eternities rolled by without the slightest hint of the pain ending. I gasped as Sebastian moved lower on my neck, his teeth pushed onto my collar bone and resent another wave of pain through my nerves.

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