18: Once Upon A Million Fans

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I never got in trouble for anything about Jo, and she never did anything to me again. I never figured out what happened, but I could care less.

I was reading a book when Brendon randomly barged into my room. I looked up. "What the hell, Bren? You usually knock."

Brendon nodded. "I'm just excited." he smiled big. "We've got a show tonight, and I want you to come and watch from side stage!"

My eyes instantly lit up. "Really?" I asked, putting my book down.

Brendon nodded, again. "Wear some merch and I'll be in the living room."

I got changed fast. I looked to my Panic! jacket, again, and this time, I grabbed it.

I got into the living room, putting it on. Brendon grinned at the coat. "Good choice," he said.

Brendon, Sarah, and I drove to the venue where we met up with the band, and the four guys did a sound check.

Sound checks are the funniest things. Brendon did weird vocal stuff into the microphone, anoying everyone. Sometimes, they'd just start playing random covers. They decided right then and there what cover they were going to do: Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas.

After sound check, we waited in the dressing room for a while. The venue started letting fans in, and we had time to kill. Eventually, the Panic! equipment was set up on stage, and Dan, Kenny, and Dallon walked on stage.

Fans started to go wild, and I remembered when that was me. Just a fan in the middle of a crowd, obsessing over these four guys and their music. Then, I got adopted and that all changed.

Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time started to play, and Brendon was crouching behind a set piece. I remembered this part at my show. Brendon was hidden, singing "Alright, alright."

Soon, he slowly emerged from behind the set, and the crowd went nuts. I watched as the show went on, so proud of my dad and his friends.

After Crazy=Genius, Brendon started talking to the fans. He had taken off his shirt and he was really sweaty. "I would like to introduce to you a young girl watching from backstage tonight..."

My eyes widened. He was talking about me. Wait, was I supposed to go on stage? That was a lot of people.

"My daughter, Emma!" Brendon yelled as fans cheered. Something behind me pushed me, and I found myself under the hot stage lights staring out at thousands of people. I swallowed hard.

Brendon walked over to me and took me to the middle of the stage. I waved at everyone clapping and cheering at me. I tapped Brendon's shoulder. He bent over to me, covering the microphone with his hand.

"Brendon, that's a lot of people," I said.

Brendon smiled down at me. "Relax. Remember that first time? You were fine."

I remembered the night that I went on stage with Brendon. That was fine, wasn't it? I just looked at Brendon, and he made it better.

I smiled and nodded. He nodded at me and rose to look at the fans once more. I wondered if I could exit the stage now, and Brendon gestured for me to leave. So I did.

It felt better backstage where there was no crowd, no burning lights, no anxiety. I continued to watch the talented people before me. Every now and then, Brendon would look over at me and smile. I'd smile back, because Brendon's smiles are contagious.

There's no escaping the happiness that he spreads.


Sorry, this was a shorter update

- Cat  

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