15: A Walk in the Park

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*that day, dinner*

"I've invited someone over," Brendon told me and Sarah as we ate dinner.

"Who?" Sarah asked.

Brendon shrugged. "A guy."

Turns out, that "guy" was Dallon Weekes.

Dallon came over shortly after we were done eating, and Brendon told me to answer the door. I opened the front door, saw Dallon, and gasped.

"Hey," he said, giving a little wave. "You're... Emma?"

I nodded. "Hi." I brought him into the house, and hugged Brendon tightly. "Dallon Weekes?"

He nodded. "You know, besides the fact of him being a well-known bassist that, undoubtedly, you know of, the guy is actually my friend so," Brendon shrugged. "You might see him a bunch."

I felt stupid, but I made friends with Dallon really quickly. He wanted to get to know me better, so he took me on a walk through a park. Of course, I agreed.

"We're going to ask each other 20 questions," he said once we got out the door.

I nodded. "Okay."

Dallon went first. "What's your favourite colour?"

I hesitated. "Black or purple," I responded.

"Favourite food?"

"Tacos, ravioli, lasagna, and chicken."

"Do you honestly love Panic! At The Disco?"

I giggled. "Yeah, of course. I was a big fan before I met Brendon."

Dallon nodded. "Well, how did you guys meet?"

I sighed, trying to recollect every detail of that night. "Uh, me and my friend, Jem..." I pushed Jem from my mind for the sake of explaining without any tears, "went to a Panic! show, and Brendon invited me-"

"Oh my god, you're the Emma that sang with him and came to the Meet & Greet!"

I nodded at Dallon. "Oh yeah, you were there!" I said, remembering.

Dallon coughed. "Anyway, is it fun living there?"

"Of course!"

Suddenly, at that moment, I heard a rustle in the leaves next to us. I turned, saw a pair of eyes looking at me. I immediately ran and knocked into Dallon's sides.

"Woah!" he said.

"Sorry, Dallon, it's just," I turned, and the eyes were gone. "Let's go home."

A million questions were buzzing through my head at the same time, making it hurt.

What the actual hell was that?

What did they want?

Were they spying on me?

What's going to happen?

Just a crazed fan, or a threat?

Should I be worried?

Why a bush?

I calmed myself down and decided to forget about it, so I could enjoy the rest of the night. The five of us played cards and sang songs, a fun night. I forgot about the mysterious stalker quick, and life went on...

For a while.


My horrible foreshadowing there ^^^

- Cat

Daddy, I Love You [Brendon Urie]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora