2: It Just Slipped Out

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Jem was dragging me along perimeter of the venue until we got to the very front. Security guards stopped us.

"We've got meet & greet passes," Jem said. "Show them, Emma."

I held up the passes. The security guards raised their eyebrows. "You're the girl who sang on stage with Mr. Urie," one said.

I nodded. We followed them backstage to the Panic! dressing room. The door was heavy and steal with a passcode lock. It was probably soundproof, too.

"C'mere," one guard said. Jem and I stepped to the side with her. Another guard punched in the code on the door and opened it a crack. "We've got two meet & greet kids." There was a long pause, but the guard was nodding. "Okay," he said, finally.

"Let them in?" a guard asked. He nodded. He pulled open the door a bit more, and the guards motioned for us to go in. I gulped. I was really nervous, but really excited.

We slowly stepped in a big, shiney room that had a big mirror in the corner. Spread out around the room were Brendon, Dallon, Kenny, Dan, and Zack. I felt Jem's hand move to my shoulder.

Brendon smiled and came up to us. "Hi!" Then he hugged us both. I hugged him back, this time. "You're Emma, right?" he said when he broke from us.

"Yes," I answered.

"Well nice to meet you, and wonderful singing earlier." I blushed. "That was the first time I tried picking volunteers. You think I should do it again?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

Brendon chuckled, and one by one, the rest of the band came up and hugged us and said "hi".

"Who's this?" Brendon asked, motioning to Jem.

Jem turned red at the ears. "Oh, I'm Jeremy, Emma's friend."

Brendon shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Jeremy."

"Five minutes," I heard Zack mutter into Brendon's ear. Brendon gave a short nod.

"Do you want a picture?" Brendon asked. I smiled and nodded. I reached in the pocket of my jacket and brought out my phone. I watched as Jem did the same.

We took pictures with different poses as Zack held the phones. When we were done with that, Dallon handed us each a signed poster. "Nice to meet you both," he said.

"So where are you from?" Brendon asked us.

"We live down a few blocks," I answered, pointing where as if we were standing outside.

Brendon looked confused. "There's no housing down there. Adoption center?"

I nodded. "I've been there since I was twelve." I didn't mention Jem in case Jem didn't want me to.

"How old are you?" Kenny asked.

"I'm fourteen." I said.

It looked like Brendon was in deep thought. Finally, he looked up and said, "What's your name? Your last name?"

I was confused. Why would he want to know that. "Larson. Emma Larson." I felt Jem lightly kick the back of my leg.

"Time to go," Zack said.

"Okay, goodbye!" Brendon said, and gave us one last hug. Everyone else said bye, too, and we were forced to leave.

We were walking through to the front of the venue when Jem said, "You can't just go around saying your full name and where you live, Emma! That's how you get stalkers."

"I'm sorry, but Brendon asked me." I looked at my feet. I was really stupid. "Just because Brendon Urie asked didn't mean I should have said, I get it."

Jem sighed. "Well, too late for that. I wonder why he even asked. That was weird."

I nodded. "Yeah." The more I think about it, the weirder it seemed. Why did Brendon Urie, of all people, want that information?


Why did Emma tell Brendon that stuff? What did she think we would accomplish him telling him where we slept at night and her last name?

I hope neither Brendon, nor anyone in that room, does anything bad. I just hope we're not stalked.

I mean, it was a lot of pressure. Who could say no to Brendon Urie? I can't blame Emma too much.

But still. I don't imagine that Brendon is a stalker, but who really knows?

Emma and I walked in silence until we got to the adoption center. It was really late since we stayed around to meet the band, so I hoped that we wouldn't be in trouble. We weren't; we just went up the stairs to the floor our room were in and went to sleep.

That was one hell of a day.


I'm going to try to update everyday.

Let's see how that works.

- Cat

Daddy, I Love You [Brendon Urie]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon