Chapter 6 // Fleeing

Start from the beginning

"Here you go, fellows!" he yelled throwing its bulk at a group of guards. They flailed; trying to push away the heavy material as Claude pulled me through, knocking them over. I tripped as one clutched at my ankle and Claude deftly caught me.

"I need to teach you how to run properly." he remarked. "One foot first, and then you move the other."

"Oh, shut up and keep going." I snapped as we fled the wedding. I could hear the guards chasing after us and I pointed towards a horse tied up, with a guard already sitting on it.

"Nothing personal," Claude said loudly as we reached him, "But we need to borrow your horse." With a hard punch the guard was knocked off and he climbed up. I slipped up behind him, wrapping one arm around his waist.

"Did you really need to punch him?" I asked, looking down as the man stumbled to his feet, blood dripping from his bruised nose. He started yelling at us, but his voice was so thick and nasal that I couldn't understand him.

"Well I had to punch something." Claude said. I rolled my eyes as he turned the horse around.

"Ya!" he cried, pushing it forwards into a run. We galloped past the men chasing us and rode away from the castle. Behind us was the echoing of Imelda screaming, no doubt infuriated at our escape, and the noise of a whole city as it rumbled over what had just happened. I sighed and leaned into Claude's back, upset and frustrated. Would nothing ever go right for me? Would I be left just spending the rest of my life fixing everyone's problems but my own?

I was a criminal once more – good thing I was good at that.


I stared at the water as it trickled past softy, silver fish flicking in and out of view just beneath the surface like glass shards. I wiped a tear off my cheek. They were tears of frustration and anger, not sadness. I thought of Cedric, and of him standing there, saying 'I Do' and kissing his bride – except it wasn't me. True, I didn't want to marry him, but nor did I want to see him marry another.

"Irene?" Claude asked, sitting down beside me. My muscles stiffened as I felt his arm brush against mine, "Irene, are you alright?"

"Yes, just peachy." I snapped, "Just absolutely peachy."

"Alright, alright, no need for the sarcasm," Claude sighed. He leaned back, his hand brushing lightly against mine. I shirked away, heat rushing up my neck. I felt his gaze on my cheek, as warm as the blood flowing under my skin. I ignored it, staring at the water once more. Claude let out a long breath, his feet slipping into the water, boots and all.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Cedric." I said instantly, "And Imelda. And how stupid you looked in a dress." I laughed awkwardly. Claude grinned – a crooked, charming half-grin that sent a spiral of feelings through me, though I couldn't tell if they were good or bad.

"I made an amazing woman." Claude said shamelessly, "You could easily say I was a natural beauty."

"Natural beauty is one way of putting it." I chuckled, tilting my face forwards.

"Oh come on!" he cried, "Don't downplay it! My beauty was such that men would be lining up if they hired me at the Silver Bath-House."

"Perhaps you should go back. Still hand in an application." I grinned.

"And deny all the lovely ladies and gentlemen in other cities the pleasure that is me?" he chuckled, "I can't be selfish." This was the Claude I liked. The Claude who made me laugh, not the one who made me frustrated. My hair fell in my face, filthy and lank. I moved to push it back impatiently but found Claude's hand already there. He tucked the brown locks behind my ear, his rough fingers lingering on my skin. I quickly brushed his hands away and sidled away from him. Claude gave me a hurt look.

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