Chapter 4(Dedicated to @1dmixer4eva XD)

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(Jovan's POV)

Damn...I'm still worried anout her...what should I do?

Seeing her enter her apartment, I could not help but blurt out,"Please let me stay with you, Laura!"She turned around with shock written all over her face. She displayed a forced smile and with her brows knitted, she murmured,"It's ok, Mr.....Jovan, I do not want to make things difficult for you."

(Laura's POV)

What I saw in front of my eyes surprised and yet moved me. A face of guilt, pain, sympathy... It warmed my heart. Yet how did we get so close after only a day?And why did he want to do so much for me? Is it because of sympathy? Kindness? I don't know what, but I refuse to be pitied on. I bit my lip and paused before saying,"I'm sorry but I prefer to be alone."

He stared at me, apalled as I tried my best to look elsewhere.I knew that if I looked at him now, I would just have a meltdown. I didn't want to do that in front of him. He only started teaching me today and I knew that if I troubled him further, I would not forgive myself.

Suddenly, he turned around and his head tilted down slightly before he staggered to his car without a word. I saw him drive away with blankness in his eyes....

(Jovan's POV)

Why do I feel a sudden emptiness in my heart? Why..? Is it because of what Laura said?As I reached home, I plopped onto the bed and buried my face in my hands. Yeah, I care for her a lot, but I somehow feel that it's much more than just caring for her as a teacher..

What am I saying?! I slapped my own face. We just met for a day! What could possibly go on?! Arghh, I don't care, I am gonna prepare my notes for tomorrow...

(Laura's POV)

As I stepped into the shower and turned the tap on, cold water moistened my skin and I felt a tinge of numbness. Why am I so sensitive to Pity or Sympathy?I don't know, I don't want to care.. no way.

After drying my hair, my phone started beebing like crazyyyy.

Carrie: OMG what happened??? We're all so worried about you!!! :(

Hansen: Dude, did something happen?? Tell us about it!!

I smiled and I suddenly remembered.Where is my mother now?

I tore out of the house, running straight to the neighbourhod police post.After asking repeatedly, I got an answer.

"We can't locate her body. I'm sorry Miss Lavigne, but we searched for hours at the sea but couldn't find her."

She. jumped. into. the. sea.Why.did.she?

"Apparently we found this recording.I think it is hers." He fished out a cassette tape and i snatched it and put it in a stereo.

"I'm so sorry Lau, my sweetie. I just couldn't find a way to pay everything. I'm so sorry."My tears already wet my face and I grabbed the tape. I called my two buddies.We agreed to meet at a park near my house.

They couldn't be more shocked to see the state I was in. I stuttered as I talked, but eventually I poured out everything altogether with loud sobs. They hugged me," I am so sorry, Laura.Please cry and pour out everything. You will feel better."

And so I did.

But talk about having a total meltdown in front of your best friends. They always comfort you when you're sad, they never embarrass you, and let you cry in front of them without teasing.

Talk about true friends.

>>HAHA hey ppl!! XD Crying already?? AWWW dun be sad ppl more coming up soon <3

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