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Y/N have always been a very shy girl. She never talked to anyone rather than her parents and her tutor. She was homeschooled ever since the day she learned how to walk. Whenever she goes outside or visit the mall, it was always with her parents. She knew only one friend and it was the occasional visit of her cousin Y/C/N.

Y/N was eighteen when she first attended a party with her parents at a very well known man in Metropolis. She knew he was not at all from there but from Gotham. She's heard a lot of stories about him. Most of it all was about his parents murdered in front of his own eyes when he was a kid. The most infamous one was that he was one of Gotham's riches bachelors.

Y/N didn't know anyone in the place. It was huge gala with a lot of liquor and chitchating. Y/N silently wished that Y/C/N could've went with her because she needed someone in this place. It was only for mature people and she's barely even that.

She takes a glass of sparkling champagne from the waiter. She took a daring sip of it and felt it bubble in her throat. This was the first time she had ever drank liquor and she contemplated if her parents would be furious or dismissing.

She look around the venue. It was grand as it could ever be. Chandeliers hang from the gilded ceilings. Everyone was wearing long dresses and suits that were perfectly tailored for their convenience. She noticed that she was the only one that walked around without a pair and she feel her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Y/N could still not see her parents around the crowded gala. She continued to roam around the place looking at every painting that hung on the walls. She tried to analyze every single one of them all the while trying to finish the drink in her hand. Y/N particularly stopped in front of the painting that stood out of all the others. It was violent with painted blood on the grass of the battlefield yet she loved it. There was something in it that was deep but open to those who seek it.

"Do you think that is beautiful?" She wanted to scream as she jolted slightly. She was unsure of what to feel with the fact that someone finally talked to her. She turns her heels to meet whoever it was. She hoped that it would just be someone less important so she would not mind if she left a stained impression.

But it was Bruce Wayne.

"Yes, it's amazing and deep, Mr. Wayne." She reply. Y/N could feel the sudden raise of her pulse and she couldn't deny that her sweat was breaking.

"It's one of my favorites." He says with a small smile while his eyes fixated on the painting. Y/N examines his face trying to read his emotions but it was well hidden inside him. "Forgive me but have we met?" His eyes now flashes to hers. She almost jerks when their eyes meet. She isn't exposed to small talks such as this. Y/C/N would totally freak out when Y/N tells him/her about this.

"I'm not sure if you saw me, Mr. Wayne. I was at the lobby of Wayne Enterprises last Friday, waiting for my parents." Y/N explains. She sees the waiter walking around and pass them. She gestured to him and put the empty glass on his tray.

"Yes, I saw you. You're parents are Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N?" She nods her head and smiled. "May I ask your name?" He continues. Y/N didn't know why but her tummy curled whenever he talked. It was annoying her and she tried to rub it off. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Y/N." She replies. She sigh deeply when she hears the familiar voice of her mother. It annoyed her even more than the somersault in her stomach. She bites her lips as she sees her mother making her way through the crowd to her and Bruce.

"Ah, Mr. Wayne," She greets with a smile that reached to her ears. "I've seen you've meet my beautiful daughter." She cringed at the word 'beautiful'. Y/N didn't really wanted to be called that.

"Mom," She interjects in an awkward tone. Bruce noticed her being so uncomfortable with the situation. He didn't really mind. He sees it cute that Y/N was embarrassed in front of him.

"Yes, I've met your daughter." He says with a smile that can only make women weep.

"She's a very shy girl, never gets out of the house," Y/N wanted to interrupted her but her mom seemed to be too bubbly to stop right now. But on the other hand Bruce seemed to be interested, not with Y/N's mother but to her.

"I'll make sure to talk to her again." He says when Y/N's mom finished her small speech about her daughter. Y/N turned pink from his words. She could never do anything else but look down to hide her flushed cheeks "Don't look down Miss Y/L/N, you're beautiful."

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