17. The Endgame

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My eyes were all red – not only the color of my eyes but also the white area, since my eyes were completely bloodshot – and the tears on my skin was dry as I stared at Mark's unconscious body. "He's gone" I said monotone. My body, voice and soul was completely numb as I looked at the boy I've called my brother since I was four. "He's dead" I said as I tightened my grip around his hand, brought it towards my lips and kissed it softly before placing it down once again and squeezed it.

Blake kneeled down so that his face was at the same level as mine. "He's not dead Nikki" He sighed as he rested his hand on my thigh and looked into my eyes softly. "He's in a coma."

"He's not waking up..." I said with a sad voice as I closed my eyes. I can't stand seeing him lying here on the hospital bed so lifeless.

So dead.

"It's only been three days Nikki, he will"

"When?" I questioned as I opened my eyes.

"Nikki..." He sighed and took my head in his hands as he tore my gaze away from Mark and towards Blake's soft features. "He'll wake up, but it might take a while. You know what the doctor said" He reminded me.

What the doctor said...

Blake managed to jumpstart Mark's heart with his electric power, his hands was just like a pair of defibrillators and Mark's heart started to beat once again. We rushed him towards the doctor at Blake's pack – or maybe our since I'm going to become the Luna – and apparently he went into a coma due to the strong impact his head experienced when his body connected with the tree. The impact cause the brain to swell up and bleed which in turn caused him to fall into a coma.

Which he haven't woken up from.

"Maybe you should rest, you haven't slept for three days Nikki" Blake spoke softly as he caressed my cheek lovingly.

A small smile managed to form on my face by knowing how much I'm loved by this wolf-boy.

My wolf-boy.

I didn't want to leave Mark, I've not wanted to do that since the moment I went back to them after going my own way back at the forest.

But a shower wouldn't be so bad in this moment. Or a comfortable bed. Or just a change of clothes would be nice. Or just a few minutes in Blake's warm embrace, crying my heart out.

I used to thing that I needed to be tough all the time. If I cried, I was weak, but that's not the case. All I needed was to learn when the right time is to let go of all my emotions, let it out and cry if I needed to then become strong again when I needed to be. Learning to accept the feelings I have deep within and when to let them out.

But holding it in forever was never the answer. Bottled up emotions will never leave my body unless I let them out. For example as crying or just by telling Blake how I feel.

After meeting Blake, I guess I've learned how it is to be human.

"Okay... but you need to tell the doctor to contact you with your... mind-shit, immediately when Mark wakes up." I ordered and a smile formed on Blake's face before he placed his hands on my waist and helped me up from the chair I was sitting on besides Mark's bed. "I'm not that weak" I informed him, rolling my eyes.

Blake smiled boyishly. "I know, I just like to take care of you"

I shook my head in amusement before gazing back to the unconscious Mark with tubes connected to his body. My gaze then found the machine besides his bed, it was still beeping in-sync with his heartbeat and a small sigh of relief escaped my mouth before I fallowed Bake out of the room.

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