4. Awareness

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I literally jumped out of bed when I realized that I was sleeping beside someone, cuddling them. Someone's arms had been safely wrapped around my petite body while my head had been resting against someone's hard chest. I looked down at the person in bed and saw that it was Blake.

What the hell happened last night?

I searched my brain for truth and soon remembered. "Shit" I mumbled as I remembered my actions from last night. I felt my cheeks turning to a light shade of pink out of embarrassment but quickly shock it off.

"Morning kitten" Blake's groggy but sexy voice said. It's like he's put a spell on me or something.

I've never been interested in guys, I've always been focused on becoming the best hunter. But then I meet this guy; a sexy, mysterious, and cocky werewolf who makes my heart flutter for the first time.

I don't know how I should feel about it.

Actually, scratch that I know what to do – ignore it. There's no way I'm going to break the rules because of some guy who I've just met.

No way.

"Kitten?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow as I stared down at him. "What, I suppose I should call little puppy then?" I commented with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Actually..." He started and turned to look up at me from the bed. He was lying on his side with his messy but sexy morning hair, supporting his head with his hand. "I happen to like the nickname you gave me yesterday" He smirked. My expression never wavered, I just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Remember?" He pushed it when I didn't reply.

"No" I stated bluntly.

His smirk dropped to a firm line but soon recovered and the smirk was back up. He pulled the comforter off his body and stood up beside the bed, exposing his perfect six pack and 'v' line. "You called me your sexy beast" He said cockily as he walked closer to me and I gulped nervously.

More memories flashed through my head, I can't believe I called him my sexy beast. I remember thinking his appearance was sexy when I didn't remember who he was for a moment and his voice. God, it just spreads chills down my spine.

"I don't remember" I lied.

"You're sure about that" He asked and took a step closer. "Kitten" He added as he smirked amusingly.

I bit my lip nervously when he was so close I could feel his hot breath against my skin. What is he doing to me?

I ignored him, took a step backwards and pulled out my phone from my leather jacket that was lying on the floor. My mouth turned 'o' shaped when I saw the time, it's half past six. I never sleep longer than six.

Well it's very rare.

Usually I wake up at six without an alarm. I can't help but wonder how safe and relaxed I must have felt in his arms.

"I'm leaving" I said sternly before reaching for the door but he stopped me by touching my arm and taking my phone out of my hand.

Is it weird if I would say that I felt sparks running through my body when he touched me? It starts at the place where he touches me and then spreads throughout my whole body, flowing around like the blood in my system.

Even so, I quickly grabbed his hand with my other hand and twisted it hard before snatching back my phone. "Don't touch me" I snapped before releasing his hand and exiting his dorm.

Enemy Mates FINISHED (Werewolf series 2)Where stories live. Discover now