6. Reveal

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When I was 10 and ready to start training to become a hunter, I was truly nervous. I didn't let anyone know of course because ever since my parents died, the only expression that could be read from my face was serious.

At least most of the times.

I'm human so it's obvious that I would let my emotions be seen every now and then but I became a pro on hiding them. The only one who can see through my façade is Mark because he's the person who knows me the best.

Mark knew how bothered I was when everyone said I was a traitor's child, when no one wanted to be my friend because they thought that I was going to stab them in the back and when everyone waited for me to stop wanting to become a hunter.

But when the day came that I was sitting in Max car and ready to walk into the school doors for the first time, I definitely was nervous and Max definitely saw it on my face.

"Don't be nervous" he told me with a flat voice. "Ignore them or if they bother you too much, make them stop"

I opened the door and walked out of the car. Max drove off, leaving me there alone on the empty parking lot and extremely nervous for my first day. Everyone was probably inside already.

The school was big and I know that there's many people inside. Hunters from the age 10-18 and every one of them is going to know me because I'm famous among the hunters.

The traitor's daughter.

I took a deep breath, straightened my posture and held my head up high before walking towards the school doors and entered it. The minute I entered, everyone gasped, stared and started to whisper among themselves but by having the good hearing that I have, I heard some of them talking even though they probably thought I didn't.

"Look, the traitor's daughter"

"I can't believe she's going to be a hunter"

"How can they let her in?"

"She's going to stab us in the back just like her parents"

"She's disgusting, do you see her eyes?"

"We should make her quit"

Well that was some of the comments. I guess that's how people can be – hurtful and not really thinking straight on how their words can hurt others.

But I still held my poster, my head up high and my serious expression like I didn't care what anyone of them said when in reality all I wanted to do was run back the way I came from.

After gathering all the information I'll be needing from the reception, I walked towards my locker and opened it when it suddenly closed abruptly by someone's hand.

I turned around in confusion when I saw an 11 year old boy with green eyes and blond hair, someone I later found out was named Alec who also happens to be the vice headmaster's son. He was staring at me with narrowed eyes and had two of his friends backing him up.

"Look, if it isn't Devil eyes the traitor's daughter" he said with anger in his voice.

"Leave me alone" I said sternly as I tried to open my locker again only for it to be slammed shut again by the same boy. "What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

They boy's eyes darkened as he took a step closer and stared at me with narrowed eyes. "I want you to quit. It's a disgrace to have you in this school"

"I'm not leaving" I said sternly. "I have the right to be her just like you"

"But you don't, your parents was traitors, who says that you won't stab us in the back too" He retorted.

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