Phil's POV

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    How could I have let his happen? How could I have let him go that easily? I'm a failure. A disappointment. I don't deserve Dan, or anyone actually. My mind is a wreck. I'm curled up in a ball on my bed, crying. I haven't seen Dan for two days and when I texted him, he didn't answer. I'm scared. What if he's not even here anymore? What if he ran off to another city? Or worse.

I can't do this.

I slowly get up and go to the bathroom, tears still running down my cheeks. All I want is for the pain to go away.

I open up the cabinet in the bathroom and find a black box. Inside are razors that have never been used. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and slowly drag the blade across my skin, wincing as the blood starts pouring out of the wound. I do it a second time, and a third. Every time I take the blade across my arm, I cut a little deeper. Eventually the pain becomes too much and I stop. I get up to wash the blade off and look down at my arm, a gasp escapes my lips when I see how deep I actually cut. I deserve this. I deserve all of this.

Not even bothering to clean my arm or wrap it up, I walk back into my room and check my phone. Nothing. I lay in bed, trying to convince myself that he's not gone. That there's a chance he's still out there. But if he was really here, wouldn't he come back? No. He'll never forgive me. And he shouldn't. I fucked up. I ruined everything and I'm never getting him back.

"I love you, Dan." I whisper, as I drift off to sleep.

I know this is short but it's late and I'm tired and I didn't feel like spending a lot of time on this. Sorry <3

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