Sixteen - Setting The Story Straight

Start from the beginning

When Bobby turned on the television, I pulled out my phone and decided to text Noah. 'Why did you come in and see my brother?'

His reply didn't come until ten minutes later. 'Because he asked me to. What was I suppose to say? No?'

'You should've told me.'

'I think you made it perfectly clear you didn't want to speak to me.' he replied straight away.

I sighed and typed up a message to send back. 'When it comes to Bobby, things are subject to change. Don't bother visiting him again.'


'You're setting him up to let him down. It's who you are Noah.'

There was a delay to his reply.

'He's a 9 year old kid, I wouldn't intentionally hurt him. You'll be the one letting him down because we both know he likes hanging out with me. He needs someone to surf with out there.'

I grumbled under my breath because he had a point. 

'He wants us to get ice-cream with him. Be at the hospital tomorrow at 3 and we'll take him to the beach.'

'So what does this mean? We're friends now? Taking your bro to the beach and shit.'

I hissed at my phone and Bobby gave me an odd look.

'No, it doesn't mean we're friends. It means we're taking him for ice-cream and we're going to be civil. Don't be late.'

'I won't.'

I chucked my phone onto Bobby's bed and sighed loudly. "We're taking you for ice-cream tomorrow at 3."

He cocked his head to the side. "What don't you seem happy?"

"I am happy," I tried to reassure him as best I could. "It's going to be fun, don't worry."

He grinned widely and even though it tore me a little inside, I knew I'd made the right decision.

+   +   +   +

After a long phone call on Saturday afternoon about what could possibly happen with Noah, I started getting ready. Katie told me to just chill out and go with it, to stop freaking out and enjoy the time with my little brother. I think she was only saying that because she secretly had a soft spot for Noah and was still rooting for us. 

I rummaged through my wardrobe for something to wear. It was really hot outside so I opted for something light. I also made the decision to wear my bikini under my clothes just in case. I grabbed my bag and keys and said goodbye to my parents before making my way to the hospital. 

It ticked just past 3 when I got to Bobby's room and sure enough, Noah was already there. Bobby ran and gave me a hug and behind him, Noah smiled at me. A small smile. A hesitant smile. 

I didn't return it.

"Are you ready buddy?"

He beamed at me and nodded his head. "Yup! I can't wait. Noah said we could go for a swim as well."

"If you behave that is."

The three of us walked down the corridor and out to Noah's car. I was hoping Bobby would take shotgun but no, he hopped into the backseat so I was stuck up front with Noah. He started the engine and we drove towards the beach. He passed me the iPod. "Choose a song."

I gave it to my brother almost instantly. "Choose a song Bobby."

"Can I play a game on it instead?"

Knowing Noah TrentWhere stories live. Discover now