Princess Of The Sea

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Ash's Pokemon so far:

Pikachu (No Nickname) [Lvl 67] {Electric} ~Male~

Shiny Umbreon (Jade) [lvl 100] {Dark} ~Female~

Latias (No Nickname) [lvl 80] ~Female~

Riolu (No Nickname) [lvl 30] ~Male~

Ash and Riolu are sitting on a hill at the top of the Tree of beginning admiring the sun rise. They had the whole  day off together to "bond", or at least that's what Lucario said.

"Hey Riolu how's training going?" I asked.

"Good, no...GREAT! Lucario is a great teacher." Riolu answered. "What about your training?"

"I've only trained with my dad on aura, he still won't let me train with my mom on what ever training it is." Ash replied.

"Well you are half Pokemon so who know." Riolu stated.

They sat there in silence for a bit then Ash decided to break the silence. 

"Well we have the day off got an idea on what we should do Riolu?" Ash asked.

"Nope. you?" Riolu asked?

"We could explore, catch some Pokemon to join us." Ash listed some ideas.

"YA! I want some new friends!" Riolu shouted with joy.

"Come on then, let's start looking around!" Ash stated.

Riolu clung to Ash's shoulder as he entered a forest on the tree of begging he liked to call Mystery Forest, for many reasons. He walked around for awhile till he came into a clearing into the middle for the forest, he was shocked by what he saw. Lying in the middle of the clearing was a shiny Lugia.

"What is a Lugia doing up here! and a shiny one at that!" Ash said as he rushed to the Lugia.

Riolu jumped off as and scanned the Lugia with his aura.

"Ash the Lugia has a broken wing, it must of landed here after somthing when wrong while flying.

Ash wrapped up the Lugia's wing then took out a hyper potion from his backpack and used it on the Lugia. After a few minutes the Lugia woke up.

"W-Where am I?" The Lugia asked.

"Your on the top of the tree of beginning. Do you remember how you got here?" Ask asked the confused shiny Lugia.

"A human can understand me!?" The Lugia said shocked.

"Well he's half Pokemon and half aura user." Riolu answered for Ash.

"Well then, to answer your question boy, I was flying to the next lack when these people in black suits attacked me and shot me out of the sky. I'm afraid they are after me." The Lugia said sadly.

"Hey why don't you join me then. me and my other Pokemon can keep you safe then." Ash spoke.

"Well maybe what's your name?" The Shiny Lugia asked.

"My name is Ash, My dad is Sir Aaron and my mom is Mew." Ash stated.

"Your Mew's son? Well then I guess you can catch me, my name is Luna." Luna spoke.

"Well then Luna welcome to the team." Ash spoke happily as he touched Luna with the Pokeball.

Luna went into the Pokeball.

The Pokeball rolled once.

It rolled twice.

It rollen three times, then.


"All right I a Shiny Lugia!" Ash cheered, and so did Riolu.

-------------------New Pokemon--------------

Shiny Lugia (Luna) [78] ~Female~

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