Chapter 15

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Thank you for loving this story!
I loved all your comments! You guys make me so happy!
I'm goi g to make this story as long as I can! Then there will be a second book!

Why can't I just talk like a normal person!

My new family makes me happy!

But I'm the only one here most of the time...

I have no friends and I can't go make any!

I want somebody to tell me they love and care about me..

Other than Annie, my new mom.

Paul, my new dad is the cop.

Annie, my new mom is a teacher at the high school.

They both get home super late!

I have to make my own dinner, and I never get to "talk" to anybody!

I have so much on my mind that I just want to let out!

Nobody cares...

Nobody cares about the kid that can't talk...


Home alone!

I realized something yesterday.

I can get higher than fuck!

No one will tell on me!

And I don't have to worry. About my future cause I don't have one!

I can completely destroy my life!

I've tried to kill myself before so what's the difference!

I can finally do something with my life.

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