Chapter 8

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Ever just want to roll over and die? I've been feeling like that a lot lately... Maybe it's the fact that not talking has pretty much eatin' me for the inside out.

"Ross dishes!" Mom yells from downstairs.

I walked down and find Riker making out with his girlfriend on the couch.


I did the dishes while trying not to puke, I could hear Riker and his girl's moaning from here! When I was done I ran to my room. I started texting Skye.


Ross- hi.
Skye- What's up?
Ross-my brother and his girlfriend are making out on the couch. It's gross!
Ross-What are you doing?
Ross- I wanna get out. Wanna go see a movie or something?
Ross-Yay! Pick you up in 10!


I looked up 3 good movies and I would let her pick the one we would watch. Then I got dressed, and left.

I drove to her house. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell.
Her dad answered.

"Yes?" He asked a little inpatient.

What am I sopossed to do?!?

Her dad rolled his eyes and closed the door.

That went well!
I texted her.

Ross-I'm here!
Skye- Be out in a sec!

She came out and I drove off. I gave her the list of movies and she picked her favorite.

When we got there we bought the tickets and snacks.
You can't watch a movie without movie snacks!
We sat down ad the movie started.

"Ross is this a date?" Skye asked.

Is this a date?

--------------------------------------------- Do you think it's a date?

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