Chapter 9

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I looked at Skye and kissed her.

She was shocked.

When I pulled back she stared at me with a shocked, yet blank expression.

I regret doing that.

Skye got up and ran out of the room.

I followed her but she ran out of the whole theater!

I tried to call her name but, nothing came out.

I went home and tried to call her, text her, ANYTHING!

Did I just lose my only friend?


I still haven't heard from her.

Why did I have to kiss her!!!

I will never see her again!

I thought it was the perfect thing to do at the time!

But now, it's my biggest regret.


I slit my wrist. I did one cut after another.

I worked my way up to my 'Forever Alone' tattoo.

I really was Forever Alone.

Why did I ever think she had a crush me! She probably ran to someone from school and laughed at how bad a kisser I was!

I never been kissed!

It's not my fault!

What am I saying!

Everything is MY fault!


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