Not enough time

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Request from: Diana11231

" Oh goodie!!!" The blue haired girl skips to the emo dragon slayer that is setting in the corner, wanting nothing to do with this. She taps him on the head, Rogue looks up his face showing no emotions.

" Yes?"

" Pick something it's your turn." she pushes the hat to him, he groans than puts his hand inside. Feeling around his hand touches many things, but none of them spike his interest. Until he feels something that is old smooth and has a point at the end, wondering what item could be he pulls it out.

" What's this?" He said then it hit him of who it belongs t, he goes to say more but finds himself in a dark closet. Crystal threw him into the closet, than walked over to the other dragon slayer. Rushing back over to the closet the girl throws the other in there, slamming the the door closed locking it as well.

" Timer has started!" She yells from the other side.

" Fuck that is gonna leave a mark." The other person in the closet with Rogue said as they rub at they're shoulder. The shadow dragon has the ability to see in the dark, he gasped when he saw the bleach blond hair. With those sky blue eyes, he looked down to see that the item is the others earring.

" Sting?" Rogue asked, but it was more if a statement then a question.

The said blond leaned forwards, feeling for the other. Once he felt his team mate, Sting slide his hand up until he felt the others lips. Acting quick he presses his against the others, making the black- haired slayer gasp. Sting using this opportunity to slide his tongue in, he starts to fight the others tongue.

Rogue tried to move away but he found himself pressed against a wall, swearing inside for the closet being too small. He just kisses back, pushing against the other.

Sting pulls off Rogou's shirts, his hands go to the pink hard nipples. Playing with them, he breaks away from the kiss. Working his way down he sucks on the skin leaving love marks, Rogue wanted to stop him but it felt too good to stop. Letting Sting have control, Rogue completely forgets that there is a timer.

Sting did as well.

The blond pushes the pants down a bit, letting the hard member be free. Looking up he sees the pleasure in the other's red eyes, being quick he leans off of Rogue's chest and goes down to his member. Licking the tip he slowly works on going deeper.

" Nah....S-Sting..." Rogue moans, placing his hand on the blond's head he runs his fingers through the soft bleach blond hair.

The door opens, light shoots inside the closet showing and half naked Rogue and Sting getting him a blow job. This time Crystal not on her Cobra is next to her holding a camera.

" EEEEEEEEEE COBRA -SAN GIVE ME THE CAMERA!!!" Crystal's eyes where stars and blood was shooting out of her noice, Cobra graded her taking her with him. Looking back he kick the door closed, holding back Crystal from doing anything.

" Not enough time, for them." He said waiting for them to cum out. Clothes back on, the two walk to the back of the room a man blush on they're cheeks.

" This isn't fair!! I wanna get a picture of something!" Crystal pouts, looking at Cobra.

" I wanted to help them, I felt sad for those two."

"Bullshit! You knew once I have the camera no one will have it!" She yells back, Gajeel gets up and gets him and Laxus, Gray, and Lyon a bear.

" We are gonna need these."

" I hate to say it but your right." Lyon takes a drink of the bear, Gray bringing his pretty fast.

So did you like it? Oh and
So welerpy doesn't have to pul it.
I hope you did...
Vote! Comment!! Luv u guys!

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