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I was dared by: anime_36

So I think this is how you do it.

1. Is your crush a guy or a girl?
Guy and he is in a higher grade then me.

2. Would you rather shove 80 bars of chocolate down your throat or a slices of your favorite flavor of cake?

Cake, and mine is chocolate.

3.  Meet all the members of your favorite band and work with all of them of have a normal life with them?
I'll work with them, I can sing but I kinda can't.

4. Have you ever been
depressed or are depressed?

I have.

5. If you had a choice what ship would you make canon?

Okay I don't think I have told any of you this, but I love StiTus but... I also love
Laxus x Gajeel. So that is the one....don't hate me. *Hides in the corner*

6. Listen to your mum and dad talk about politics or get bit by a very poisoning snake?

Well I was biten by a black widow when I was 5, and kinda died....if you want to hear the story I'll do a chapter about it. I chose Parents!

7. Have sex with Gray from FairyTail or have sex with Natsu from FairyTail?

Okay well Natsu, but can I also have sex with Cobra? Or Gajeel?

I think that's it, now I dare!

johnboy200112  and Dreyar_Fan19

Good luck to y'all!

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