Doing Another's Bidding

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Athos had reached his first destination. He hated what Grimaud instructed him to do but he had to. Sylvie and Aramis were at his mercy. His wife, the woman he loved more than anything and one of his best, oldest friends were in danger. He had to do this. For both of them. He wondered how Porthos and D'Artagnan were faring with thier men.
The first man Athos had to dispatch was a moneylender by the name of Bertrand Clairmont. When Athos read the name he was reminded of a cadet from three years ago who died when Lucien Grimaud blew up the Garrison. That had been a dreadful time. But he had killed Lucien soon after. That was his recompense. Now, he was paying for it.
"Oi," said one of the guards shoving Athos roughly. The Musketeer turned round.
"By the book. When we give you this weapon, you will kill Clairmont and then hand it back to us. You don't, you die. Got it?"
"Yes." The man sullenly handed Athos his gun and one of them accompanied him inside. The other stood guard outside. The man was sitting behind his desk, shuffling through some papers. He recognised Athos as soon as he saw him.
"You. I could kill you right now," Clairmont said angrily. Athos, remembering the name, suddenly realised who he must be.
"You're his father, aren't you," he sighed.
"Yes, and he was killed on your watch. You were his Captain. You left him to die."
"I know. I'm sorry," Athos replied sadly. Clairmont approached Athos who shot him. And it was over. Athos stood back, gasping quickly.
Then his state of shock was over as he was tugged out of the room.
"Move it Musketeer! We can't be seen here. Weapons. Now." Athos handed them back his gun. They speedily mounted thier horses and left the scene of devastation behind them.
They rode on for a few miles, until they reached an inn. They got rooms. Athos was deposited into one. They tied his wrists with rope. He looked at them.
"Really?" He asked.
"Simply precautions," the guard replied.
"Oh come on. Where do you think I'm going to go? You have my best friend and my wife hostage. Do you really think I'd risk thier lives?"
"We'll bring you some dinner up. We leave for your second task tomorrow. It's four or five days' ride away." Athos gulped. Aramis and Sylvie would be under Grimaud's wrath for longer than he thought. He had to get back to them as quickly as possible. Aramis had already been beaten up once by Lucien's brother. Athos dreaded to think what was happening to him now. All the guards left, leaving Athos to worry and contemplate.

Meanwhile, D'Artagnan was facing another night under his guards watch at an inn also. He had two days' ride to the place where his first victim was to fall. He had been more closely watched than the other two. It was common knowledge and he was sure that Lucien would have told Georges, that the Gascon was prone to easily becoming reckless and violent. He had always been tied and always had a guard with him, even when he slept. Every single second, the Captain wanted to burst and go at them. But he knew what these men were capable of. He had seen the state Grimaud had put Aramis in back at the house and was certain Georges' henchmen were just as lethal. They would have learned the tricks from thier leader.
"Trust Lucien to have a brother that was exactly like him," D'Artagnan thought angrily and bitterly. "It never ends, does it?" D'Artagnan sighed. He sank onto the bed and lowered his head.
How had he got himself in this predicament? Merely days ago, he was happy, he had Constance and his new band of cadet recruits. He thought all the danger with the Inseparables was over when they parted ways, when Lucien Grimaud died. He wanted danger and excitement, he always had, but not to the extent where his loved ones died and he lived. It was happening again. He would do whatever he could to keep Aramis and Sylvie alive. Whatever it took.

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