The Brothers Reunite

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D'Artagnan had a taught, worried expression written on his face. Aramis and Porthos glanced at each other. It hadn't been long since they had been with the Captain. What could have gone wrong in that short space of time? D'Artagnan has to explain. He was evidently relieved when he saw the two approaching. He placed a hand on thier shoulders and guided them into a corner.
"Listen to me. Athos is here." He saw the hope lift on Aramis and Porthos' faces, but he held up a hand and shook his head. Aramis' face fell, sensing it wasn't good news. "He's in the office. I- I'll let him explain." D'Artagnan led the two up to his office. He was pale and nervous. This wasn't the D'Artagnan Aramis had seen earlier that day. One thing was clear though, Athos was in trouble.
The man himself sat at the table, head in hands, in despair. He looked up when he heard footsteps and saw Aramis and Porthos. He looked older, greyer and a little worse for wear.
They all embraced, solemnly. D'Artagnan and Porthos sat at one side of the table and Athos and Aramis took seats at the other side. The Minister turned to his friend, deciding to get straight to the purpose of his friends' visit instead of talking about stuff Athos would much rather skip over.

"What's going on? It's not good. We'll do whatever we can." Athos turned to face Aramis and looked him straight in the eye. They were bloodshot, haunted. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He probably hadn't, knowing Athos.

"It's Grimaud," the former Captain said. Aramis frowned. He knew Grimaud had haunted Athos more than the others but Grimaud was dead. He had been for three years. Was Athos having hallucinations? Memories of time gone by that wouldn't leave him alone? And where was Sylvie? His loving wife?
"Athos, Grimaud's gone," Porthos said. Athos dismissed his statement with a wave.
"No not Lucien. It Georges Grimaud. Lucien's brother." A deathly silence fell upon the room. No one spoke and let Athos continue. "Juliette had twins. She disowned Georges and only kept Lucien. Georges grew up alone. Whilst Lucien was in the care of Theresa, Georges had no-one. He knows what happened to his brother. He knows it was us and now he's come to take revenge. He," Athos faltered here. Aramis squeezed his arm as reassurance, keen to here the end of this. "He has Sylvie. He won't let her go until the four of us go and do as he asks. Please Aramis, Porthos, D'Artagnan. You have to do this for me." Aramis was stunned. Grimaud had a brother, a twin. Who now had Sylvie. Athos' wife. When he still wrote to them he told them they got married. They had also had a child.
"Athos," Aramis said. "Where's Hubert?" They had named the boy after Sylvie's late father.
"I brought him with me."
"Constance has him," D'Artagnan intervened. Aramis nodded, knowing the Captain's wife would look after the boy. Aramis knew what it was like to have a son in danger after all.
"So, Grimaud's brother. What exactly does he want us to do?" Porthos asked.
"He wants the four of us to deliver ourselves to him. Only if we do that will he release Sylvie. We can't attack. We need to do this straight. If he's anything like Lucien, he'll have no qualms about ending her life. I need this to be played by the book." Aramis could see tension in Porthos' face and worry in D'Artagnan's.
"Of course I will," Aramis said.
"Yes, I will," D'Artagnan agreed. All eyes turned to Porthos.
"Only if it doesn't become a situation where I die. What the hell? I've been near death for years. Why would today be any different. Go for it." Athos was relieved he had his friends by his side. He knew coming back to the Garrison would be right. He knew his brothers would be understanding. Plus, they'd been at his side through thier previous dealings with Grimaud. They knew what he was capable of like no-body else could. And Athos couldn't do this alone.
"Georges' house is only half a day's ride."
"We'll leave in the morning," Aramis said. "I'll inform the Queen. Athos, you'd better come with me." The Inseparables left the Garrison and headed back to the palace. D'Artagnan was left, contemplating. Constance saw him and comforted him.
"It will be OK," she said.
"Yeah I know," he replied softly.
"The four of you, back together again."
"But for how long this time?" Mused the Captain.

"Why did you stop writing?" Aramis asked Athos.
"We'd all moved on and I just didn't know what to say."
"Fair enough," Aramis thought. The three of them made thier way to the Queen's quarters. Aramis knocked and entered, the others in tow. Anne gasped when she saw Athos. The three bowed.
"Athos. No one informed me of your arrival."
"I only came to the Garrison, Majesty. My wife, Sylvie has been kidnapped."
"Oh." She was shocked. She turned to Aramis, her most trusted advisor.
"Do you remember Lucien Grimaud, the man we defeated three years ago, when Louis died?"
"Of course. How could I forget?"
"Well the name of Sylvie's captor is Georges Grimaud. Lucien's brother." Anne's eyes widened. "The four of us are going tomorrow to deal with him."
"Very well. Ensure the safe return of Sylvie and the downfall of Grimaud. Please all of you return safely. Good luck." The Inseparables bowed and exited the room. Aramis had Athos a room prepared so they were all in consecutive rooms. Aramis hoped Porthos would sleep tonight. All of them would need it for what was to come the following day.

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