Reunions and News

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D'Artagnan greeted Aramis as the latter made his way into the Garrison. Aramis had been back to his home turf a few times since becoming First Minister and whilst he was here he had remminised about the old times. The good, all the adventures he had had with his friends, the beautiful women he had courted with, but also the bad, like missions that had gone horribly wrong, an example being the mission in Savoy where all but two Musketeers, them being Aramis and his friend Marsac, were killed. Aramis had thought back to these days but they were massively overwhelmed by positive memories which took up most of his consciousness. The garrison was in good, safe hands. And would continue to be.
The Captain took the Minister over to where the cadets were training. Aramis recognised the boy as soon as he saw him, and he couldn't help but smile.
"You didn't, did you?" He asked his friend.
"I'd seen him in practice obviously and I wanted him. I know he's young, but he's like Brujon, or me when I first arrived." The boy D'Artagnan was so desperate for Aramis to meet was a boy Aramis was in charge of when he was a monk. His name was Luc and when the Musketeers had arrived at the monastery, he had helped them stop Grimaud selling French gunpowder to the Spanish, almost getting killed in the process.
Brujon was a cadet who had finally gained his commission when the four friends parted ways and went to fight at the front with General Du Vallon.
"Luc!" D'Artagnan called the young cadet over who was in the middle of a bout with another. "Come here!" Luc walked over to them, sword in hand. Aramis was proud to see his protege living up to his full potential like this. Luc's gaze shifted between his Captain and the Minister, unsure if he believed it really was the man he thought it was.
"Aramis? Is that you?" The boy said in disbelief.
"Hello again young Luc. It seems our paths cross again. I always knew you would do well for yourself. I'm glad my friend here decided to take you in." Aramis beamed. In the four years or so since he had last set eyes on Luc, the boy had grown stronger and taller. He could see why D'Artagnan took such an interest in him. They were very similar.  Both young starters, but both dedicated and committed, knowing what they wanted and determined to get it. That was clear for Aramis to see.
"Use my office," said D'Artagnan and Aramis and Luc climbed the stairs and into the Minister's familiar territory. They sat at the table, both still in shock that they met again.
"Captain D'Artagnan came back to the monastery and asked for me. When I met him, he told me there was a place in the cadets for me, if I wanted it. I thought back to all the advice you had given me and I knew that it was what I wanted to do. I never fitted in at Douai, you knew that. This was my calling and I answered it. Plus, it meant I could see you again. You impacted on me, Aramis. You've made a journey yourself, and I hope this time, the right one. You never fitted in at Douai either. Going from a monk to a Musketeer to First Minister of France. It seems we have both found our place." Aramis observed also that the boy had become more wise and intellectual. Luc as a younger boy was full of energy and had been reckless and took risks. D'Artagnan had made a very good choice. Aramis knew that Luc would be a fine, if not one of the best Musketeers there was.
Luc returned to the rest of his group. Aramis and D'Artagnan watched on. This was definetely where the Minister felt most comfortable. He enjoyed being back at the Garrison. He would have to come more often.
"The other cadets are from all over, but I've taken particular interest in Luc. He's special, that one."
"Thank you," Aramis said to his friend gratefully. "Thank you so much for giving him the chance he deserves. It means a lot." D'Artagnan smiled, a warm smile he had always brought when he knew a mission was done well or he was proud of something.

Aramis was back in his rooms when there was a knock on the door. He answered it and there was a sentry standing there.
"There's someone to see you Minister. He's in the main hall." Aramis thanked the guard and made his way down. Standing there was another face he recognised. Today was full of reunions for the old Musketeer. Brujon, the cadet turned Musketeer who had gone with Porthos to war stood there.
"I have news from the front Minister. News that you in particular will want to hear." Aramis took Brujon to his office and read the letter the young man held. Aramis scanned the letter and was shocked by what he read. He turned to Brujon.
"You can't be serious." Brujon smiled. He knew what it meant.
"Come on Brujon," he said, feeling elated. "Let's head over to the Garrison. D'Artagnan will want to hear of this." So Aramis was on his second trip of the day to the Garrison, accompanied by the man who had just given him one of the two best bits of news he had heard in a long time.
"Aramis, you're back," D'Artagnan said before turning his gaze to his old protege. Whilst Athos had been the Captain at the time, D'Artagnan had taken particular interest in a young Brujon. "Brujon! Great to see you again." They embraced.
"Brujon has brought news from the front, as well as news for the two of us," Aramis said to the Captain, handing him the letter. D'Artagnan gasped when he saw what Aramis was so happy about. He looked from the Minister to the young soldier and back to Aramis.
"Porthos is coming home," he said in disbelief.

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