Meeting the Brother

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The following day Aramis met Porthos, who had slept better that night, and Athos who was grumpy as he always was in the mornings and they made thier way down to the Garrison. They were surprised to see thier horses saddled, weapons displayed and food prepared. Aramis glanced at D'Artagnan.
"You've been busy."
"Yeah, well, most of it was Luc. Said he wanted to help." Aramis gave his old charge a small smile. Athos then recognised the boy. He nodded and Luc returned it.
Once they were fed and watered, Athos, Aramis, Porthos and D'Artagnan mounted thier steeds and set off on the rescue mission. Luc watched them go, agonisingly wanting to join them.
Athos wasn't talking to them at all. Aramis slowed up and stayed with him, letting the others ride on ahead. Athos glanced at him before turning his eyes back to the road ahead again.
"We'll get her back Athos. I promise. We will do it." Athos didn't say anything but thier eyes met and they, without having to utter a word, understood one another.
They rode on, Aramis and Athos catching up with Porthos and D'Artagnan. Athos guiding them on where to go, they made it to the house in no time at all. That made Aramis uneasy. It was a large house. They all dismounted and tethered thier horses up. Athos knocked on the door. A man with a gun appeared from the other side.
"Athos, I see you've returned. Tell me thier names."
"Aramis, First Minister of France."
"Oh yes. We know you."
"Porthos, General of the Army."
"And D'Artagnan, Captain of the Musketeers."
"In." The man lead the four men into the house and up the stairs and another appeared behind them, jabbing Porthos, who was the last one, with his gun. The four of them stood in a line once they reached the main hall. Two of Grimaud's men flanked each Musketeer. Then the man himself entered the room. And you could tell straightaway that he was Lucien's brother. They looked almost identical. He went along the line looking each one up and down. Yes, they both had the same demeanour and attitude as well.
"Weapons. Take them off." Aramis turned to Athos and saw D'Artagnan doing the same. Athos slightly nodded and they all reluctantly got rid of thier swords and pistols.
"Now tie them. With the chains." One man held onto Aramis whilst the other encased his wrists in chains behind his back. After being chained, Athos was torn away from the group and shepherded into a corner. Why was he being taken away?
"Now, how this is going to work is this. One of you remain here as our prisoner. The others will join Athos in what he will have to accomplish to get the prisoners back. Decide amongst yourselves now." This man knew what he was doing. He knew keeping one of the four here would ensure the others would do exactly what he asked of them.
"I'll stay," Aramis said firmly.
"Aramis, you are First Minister of France. The Queen's right hand man. You'd be useful," Athos replied.
"No. I'm staying." Athos nodded knowing that once his friend made up his mind there was no changing it. Porthos and D'Artagnan were manhandled over to where Athos was standing. Georges stood in front of Aramis.
"You'll regret this, you know. I'll make sure you do." Aramis kept his head high and his eyes away from his captor. "Take him away." Two guards with a firm grip and another pressing a pistol into his back dragged him away from his friends. He got one last longing look before the door was slammed behind him. He was taken down a couple of flights of stairs, down to a dank, dark cellar. They pushed him in and forced him to sit down. They brought out another set of chains and locked his ankles together then gagged him before leaving the cellar and locking the door behind them. Aramis felt totally alone. But he knew he had made the right decision. Well, he thought he was alone, until he heard a voice.
"Hello?" The person said weakly. "Athos?" Aramis' eyes widened. He knew who this was. Sylvie. He attempted to make a noise through his gag and it caught her attention. He heard her feeling around in the dark to make contact with another human being. Aramis would help but he was completely immobilised. He soon felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Athos? Please say that's you."
"It's Aramis," he said muffled. He didn't think Sylvie heard him enough. She started feeling for the gag and soon as she had a fistful of it, she ripped it off.
"Athos?" She said again hopefully.
"It's Aramis," came her reply.
"Aramis? Oh my God. Are you OK? You're chained up. Where's Athos? What's happening? It's Grimaud's brother doing this. Where's the others? Why are you alone here? Oh God. Is Hubert OK?"
"Sylvie, calm down. I'll tell you everything I know. Hubert is fine. Constance is looking after him at the Garrison." He heard her breathe heavily in relief at this. "Athos came to the Garrison and asked the three of us to come here with him. Georges wants revenge on the four of us for killing Lucien. He took you to get Athos to get all the rest of us. We were brought in. Georges asked for one of us to come here. He didn't give Athos the option though. So I volunteered. Athos, Porthos and D'Artagnan are doing something for him, which will in the end, get me and you out of here. That's all I know."
"OK. What is it the others are doing for him?"
"Honestly, I have no idea."
"Right. So we just wait it out," she said sadly.
"Yeah," Aramis replied half heartedly.

Three years later...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя