Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A week passed, and everybody was in agony with starvation. Some people tried to vomit, but nothing at all came out, because there was no food to vomit. Everybody was suffering, and Margaret was the one who felt guilty because of it. Margaret seemed to be the public enemy number one in the house now, and she was terrified that the others were going to vote for her to be killed.

Unfortunately for the house, Margaret was called a second time to do the task. This shocked the house, as they all thought that The Leader would not put her up for the second week in a row. Clearly, The Leader enjoyed watching Margaret squirm and fail the task.

"Whatever it is", said Ruth, "just do it".

"I will", said Margaret frightened of what she was about to endure.

"We'll forgive you if you pass the task", said Emma, holding her stomach in pain.

Margaret entered the task room, where she faced horror for a second time in two weeks. She saw five holes in the wall, so she assumed that she would have to put her hands in there for something.

"Margaret", said the voice, as Margaret stepped into the room, "as you will be aware, this is your second task.

This week, you have to reach into the holes and solve the puzzle on how to untie the knots in order to obtain the star inside. You have five minutes to do this. Unfortunately for you, there will be other things in those holes that you will not get to find out about until you reach in. Your time starts now".

The talking stopped, and the clock started. Margaret knew that she needed to pass the task no matter what. She approached the first hole, where she quickly reached in. In the hole, after feeling around, she knew that they were rats in there. Then, after the rats bit her hand five times, she finally found the star. It took her two minutes to actually untie the knot, because she had to keep pulling her hand out of the hole as a reflex action after been bitten from the rats.

After obtaining the first star, she moved on to the second hole. When she put her hand in, she felt spiders crawling over her hands. They seemed to be very large, which scared Margaret, since she had had a phobia since she was a small child. This put her to the test. In this one, the star was significantly simpler to get, as she had to unscrew it.

With two minutes and twenty seconds left, Margaret rapidly moved on. In hole three, there was water. It did not take long to realize that piranhas were attacking her hands! She quickly put her hands in and out of the hole repeatedly, until she eventually discovered the star, before untying it. As she took her hand out, her hand was covered in blood - the piranhas had taken away chunks of skin.

In hole four, there was a snake, which scared her. At first, it did not move, but it suddenly jumped out at her when she touched the star. It was like the snake was trying to defend it. Just then, the snake wrapped itself around Margaret's arm, so she was forced to put her other hand in to yank it off, which took a massive amount of time away. She untied the star as quickly as she could, before moving on to the last one.

Margaret was mortified to see that she only had fifteen seconds left to get out of the room with the five stars! With an amazing amount of speed, Margaret put her hand into the final hole. She felt the star right away, and she did not care what horrible creature was in there, even tough there were many scorpions stinging her hands, crabs nipping away at her wrists, and leeches sticking to her fingers. Margaret moved as quickly as she could, but it was too late. When she grabbed the star, she ran towards the door, but time ran out, and she did not escape the room.

In some ways, it was a blessing that she was locked in, because she did not have to face the wrath of Ray and the others who may have been extremely angry at her. However, she and the others were going to starve for another week, meaning that she could have nothing enter her system but air and water.

As the others realised that Margaret was locked in there, they could hear her cries: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"You bitch!" cried Ray, "when you get out of there next week, you're dead!"

Then Margaret had a thought - she was definitely going to be the next one to die now.




No? Ok, v.v

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